3 00 xMat.6 z@, y í.uk, I4i G S. z n1aGa2..I=, Great antipatóg in carnallman againfi Chriff, fter,- ye cannot r f rve codand Mammon, faith our Saviour; the worldbath fomany Yimvloymentifor them,that they have no leifure to come to Chrifr, their inclination to things earth- ly is fo flrong, that they cannot cotne at Chriïls invitation, they are fo weddedto this that they cannot come to the wed- ding feafr,, t-which Chrift makes for his friends, and Sp'aafe in theGofpell ; Or if they doe corne, they bring no' a'ed.>li:q garment with them , and therefore are uüwelcotne t The creature is fo glorio it in their eyes, that they »fee no glory .nor beauty in .Chrilz for which they fhould delire him : Or if they have ícme weake and low apprehenfior,s ofChrifr,fome flender inclinations after Chrift,now and then flirred up within them ; yet the price of enjcrying -Chrift is fo great, that rather theta leave the world , they Will a goe areal forro:rfull, It is .itnpoffible that the foule of man can receive Chrifr untill it is emptied of the world ; Chrift never appeàres gloriote and precious, till theworld ap?eares b ba_fe in our-apprehenfions. When the world becomes bitter toour palates,then our foules.relifh much fweetncffe in Chrift Jefas. 4. In regard of the rep r nancy of a carnall mans heart againft Chilli.. There is no aufwerableneffe, no futabienef'c between Chrift, and an unfandified heart, the unregenerate foule is full ofantipathy and oppofitionagainft Chrift : The houlecf Sabel oppofed thehoufe of David, the houfe and fa- mily, all that is in á. corrupt and care inan,doth oppofe Chrift in his Ordinances, his Offices, and in his operati- ons : As darkenefe oppofeth light , fic!:neffe health , and death life : f loth corruption in iinfull man oppofe Chrift, The carnall mimic or wifedome of the. Bell, the counfil, dif- courfe, reafon, purpofes, dcfires, motions, and all the adi- ons ofcarnall wífèdome, the very Principles andbeginnings ofthem in unregenerate man,. with all the IullS anda`fdi- ,ons of the will, as anger, wrath, envy, covetotifieffe:, pride, emulation, &c. ar'e all enmitya ainf Cod, let in fall and per- petuall oppofition againft God and Chrift, the -very whole of a carnall man, is an armed, and Fighting enemy againft God, it is not fubje&tothe Lary -of God, neither indeedcalbe;lo- vine a Mat.:9 a a. b PhiLz.8. 4 Repugnance aginit L irraft.