Great Antipathy in a carn,111Alan againfi'Chrit, 301 wing that which Chrift hatcth, hating that which Chrift lo- veth, pradifing that which Chrift forbiddeth,andefchewing that which Chrift commandeth, The carnali man like an un- ' tamed Hailer, breakes Cbrifls eyoak.e, and carts away his cords. c Piala. The man in the countrey of the Gadarens pofEffed with an uncleane fpirit, mentioned in the Gofpell, was fo fierce that no man could binde him : He d plucked afunder the chains dMars. which wereput uponhim, andbrake inpieces the fetters which eyed him, fa that no man could tame him. Corrupt and carnali man is poll fed with fuch a fpirit ofuncleanneffe, and power of prophaneneffe, that he breakes afunder all thechainesand fet- ters, all the Lawes and precepts which God bath given to binde him, his lulls are fo rebellious and unruly that noman can tame him ; the ;: Leviathan laughs at the fpeare, and cares e lab 41. not for barbed irons ; the horfe mocketh at feare, and is not affi ighted, neither turneth backe from the fword ; the car- nall man laughsat the judgements denounced againft him ; he fearex not the word of God, though(harper then a two- edged fward : No exhortation moves him, no invitation af- feds him, all inftruetion is but as the foundingof a trumpet t-,3 thedeafe, and the fcttingof a candle beforethe eyes of the blinde : Nothing can works him to fubjcdion under Chrifts Scepter, till God makes him a new creature. Every unrege- nerate perfon is unchangeable in his oppofition againft Hea- ven. Verygreat is the dil}ancc between Chrift Jefus and car- nail perfons : There is not a greater Antipathy between fire and water, then between Chrift, and prophane mans cor- rupt nature, and thus you fee mans Alienation from Chrift in his corrupt and finfull eftate, - CHAP.