Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

302 femsofi Chrif thegreatefgmiferi. CHAP.. III. Setting open thedelefilneili and danger of Mans ejate without Chrij? Doleruln, ffe Ans Alienation and eftrangement fromChrift, d:clares and danger of and layes open the miferyand wretchednefle, thedan- catnalt ta,am and dolefnlnti e, ofmans eitate and condition by nature, tfratu a,cpndition in which he is without Chrift, and tobe with- out the Lord Jefus is the inifery of all miferies. 1 t is not the man that is without the crowne of worldly dignities to ho- nour him, without the treafuryof earthly abundance to en- rich him, without the fenfuall and Teeming paradife of car- nall pleafbres to delight him, or without theprefence and countenance offieihly friends to folace him, but it is the man that is without (brill, who is of all men the molt mifera- ble. The eflateof Ifraelwithout the Arke was very uncom- fi Sam.4.» jfcrtable, their (dory was departed , the wifeof 'Phiuers woke no comfort in the birth of a forme; the ordinary joy of Mothers : The condition ofmanwithout Chrift is very doleful!, his glory is departed from him, all that man bath, not havingChrift with it, is but an Ichobod, there is no glory in it:: For man that is without Chrift, is, g z King,4 i T. Without Life., The woman of s Shunems forme was without life, until! the Prophet came, and fpread hiinflfe ' upon him. Ivian is without the life of grace, alienatedfrom the life of God, until! Chrift conies and appives himfelfc to b Coll, the foule ofman : For Chrift is our Life. Declaratively he reveales it, meritorioufly he bath purchafed it, originally and efficiently he communicates it, as the head communicates life unto the members. Chrift Jefus is the difoencer of the life i t lobo g. r z. ofgrace and glory to all Gods fait hfull fervants ; and he that bath not the Some bath not life, faith Saint }ohn : He that bath not the Sonneby cleare and fwing knowledge,as theeye hath the Sun in theFirmament, enlightening and guiding by true L aid