Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

and lively Faith, as the living branchbath the Vine by incor- poration into it, by receivingjuice and nourifhment from it, by fervent andunfained Love, as the wife hath the husband by wedlocke with him, by matrimoniali affRion to him, and by holy and humble fubielfion, as the Subjeft hath the King, by vailing andbowing to him : He who thus hathnot the Sonne, he bath notlife, his foule is not fpiritually quic-k- ned, Chrift not living inhim, ípirituall death beares domi- nion 6 s :. over him. He it k dead(faithS.Paul)in fins andtrefpaffes : P A Tree twice dead and plucked up by the roots, according toSaint fude. Every man is a finfull dead manthat hath not Chrift gracioufly enlivening him, and this isa great mifery, unha ilCe: a condition of manifold difcotnfòrts, an eflate of great un- oftilts incnc.;l happineffe ; the dead according to the f efh, feet nothingof all that fweet and glorious light which the Sun cafteth forth uponhim thedead infnnchath no comfortable apprehenfion of Chria f; hining in the Gofpell more glorioully then the zcor4. ;. Sunne ; Chrift in the Gofpell is altogether hidden fromthem t Eal Sv that have not Chrifl living itrthem : The dead(faith Salomon) know not any thins : The dead in finne know not any thingof the zvifedome of Chrift guiding them , of the death of, Chrift mortifying their lulls, of the refurrefiion of Chrift their foules, of the dominionof Chrift reigning in their hearts, of the holinefe of Chrift 1anlifying their aff- cgions, nor of the fnlneffe of Chrift fatisfying theirdelires. Prophane perfons are altogether empty of theknowledge of Chrift Jefus : Indeath (faith the Pfalmift) there is no remem- brance of thee, in thegrave who (hall give thee thanks : Un- der the death and in the grave of fame, there is no remem a Pfa1,6.;; trance of Chrift, he is not in all their thoughts, they thinke not upon him,as the traveller upon the guide leading them, as the rich man upon the treafure enriching them, as the Bride upon theBridegroome marrying them. Chrift withcarnall n Pral.;i.zs. perfons, like `David among his carnall acquaintance, ie "for- gotten as adead man out ofminde, and like a broken veil11. Can a maid, faith the Lord, forget her Ornaments, or a Bride her attire, yet my people have forgotten me dayes without num- ber. Chrift the ornament and attire of the foule of man is o Iera.;s. A a a for.