Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

3,04 4 The deadin Sin moi unhappy. g by people, s dead men are PP f for otten carnall a, unmindfulf of theira areil. The dead are ate en f bleofall difeafes,they have no feelingof any burthens ; Man alienated from Chrift ,ändthe of.God is pail Pfeeling,.he feeles not hisfnne,asa heavy burdenopprefling him ; hefeeles not Satan; as an ene- ! cry buffeting him, as -a Tyrant moleiaing and captivating him ; his conícience, as a witneffeaccufing, and aJudge con- Ttrn.4.2. demning him, it is qfearedwith a hot iron.. Mans unfenfible- nefT'e ofhis ownewretchedneffe argues histmhappÿ and great eftrangement fromChrift Jefas. 4. The body feparated from the foule is an unprofitable lump, a loathforne caìkaffe ; the foule feparated from Chrift is an rsrrfruirfull branch feparatedf from the Vine, an unprofitable member rent from the bodq,, rKar. l4.1% ;. a loathfome obj;d} in Gods fight, unclean, r eor,Jsip,, a6omi nable, anddoingno good, as the Pfalmif} fpeakes. The whole man feparate from.Chrift Jefus, is a veffll fill ofallunclean- nefT1 bis-beft fervice like the favour of a dead man is unfa- voury in Gods noftrils. 5. Thedead is uncapableof the food let before him, his body Pals to the ground, cleaves unto the earth, and refolveth into duft. Man thatltathnot Chrift li ving in him, is sencapable of the meanes of' grace, his foules Gen .y-t. food, he thrives not by theminiftery of the word, his foule it leant and illyfavoured{lill ; like'`Pharaohs leant Kirieafter ' their eating of the fat ; the Qaailes choaked the lfraelite they proved not a nourifhing, but a deftroying food unto ft Car 1.14. ¡ them. The word proves the favour ofdeath unto t death, to hint that is-feparated from theLord of Life.All that are with- cut Chria arefallen from God unto the world, they minde tPliS14.1y, onely t earthy things, they refolve into the very duff, they are buried under' the world, as a dead man under the earth.. The World bath the full poffzflion of them , the Pole Lordship over them, nothing but the World fuites with them , nothing. but the earth is favoury to them. 6. The body without the foule moves not, walks i not :, Man-without Chrift haih na-motion, no.inelination.unto Wart IC . Ì God,, makes noprogreftein the way to life. _Lazaraa .moved not,, walked, not iintill Chrifb railed Man moves not in-therway towards God and HeavenuntillChrifl,giveshim pads