withqtss Clari.Fl;stitlsoiat Light, 3 partin theñrft Refurrec ion : Man in the {lateofcorruption, like Ifrael in the Prophet is bent unto u batheflidíng; Mans continuance in finne increafeth his eflrangement from God. The longer man lives in the ftateof corruption, the farther he removes from Heaven, the greater is the distance between himand falvation. Lastly, in a word, a dead man is o f fenf:ve to the houfe where he is, hath no communion with the li- ving, bath loft all his dignity and priviledges which he en- joyed in his lifetime, can doe nothing for his ownedefence, but isexpofed to the foot to tread uponhim, to the fowies of the aire to devoure him. Thus the carnali man that is without Chrlff,is an offence to them that livethelifeof grace, hath na£pirituall communion withGods children, is eflranged fromall thePrerogatives anddignities belonging to the living members ofChrist unable to doe any thing in defence of himfclfe against the adverfaries of his foule, being expofed and laid open as avery prey to Satan And thus mans Ali- enationfrom the life. of grace and holmeff: íheweshis great mifery in being changed fromChrift Jefus. s. Man that is without Chrift, is without Light. He that is without the Sunne is in darkneffe: He that is without the Sun of Righteoufneffe is in darkneffe and the shadowo/'death : There is nooyleoffaving knowledge, noStarre of fpìritu- all Light shining in the houfe and region ofhis foule : Of such our Saviour faith, they w have not knowne the Fathernor me : They have not knowne the Father as a fpirituall Parent regenerating them, as a heavenly King reigning and ruling within them, as a gracious dweller , poifeffing , furnishing, and adorning their foules with his gifts and graces, as a dwel- ler poffeffeth and furnifheth his houfe : They have not known the Father in his word,adoring him according to his prefcrip- tion; in his Sacrament, as the Mailer of a feast in his banque- ting houfe, feafling and feeding them ; in his precepts as a Lord andMailer fearing him ; nor in hispromi!esas a lureand faithful! friend telling and relying upon him ; Neither have they knowne me ; they havenot knowne me in my naturesas God and Man in one Perfon ; in my Offices, as their Prophet inllru tingg them ; as their Prieft, offering my felfe a facrifice A a3 for uHof.y. =I sv lohn I6 3.