Sod t.2'Lin withotstCiarifi ignorant, ungracioata, captive, x Eph.5.8. s Kin:S. rCor.1.3G. for them. ; as their King, bearing fpirituall dominion with- in them as their Mediator, bringing them nigh. to God, making reconciliation between them and God ; th..y have not knowne me in my fuferingt, being crucified together withme;in myexaltations, being planted with the likenes of my Refurre,lion ; in my communications, being filled with my fulneffe, folaced with my cornforts,and revived and chee- red upwith my bleffed pretence ; very miferable is thecar -- nall mans ignorance ofGotland t..hrift Jefas. Therefore {ti- led R dark nefe, not darke, but darkeneffe it felfe. re were once darkenefe, univerfally darke, wholly darke, having no mix- ture, or glimpfe offpirituall light. Very fadand forrowfullis that foules d irkenefle which is eftranged from the Sunne of Righteoufneff. 3. Man that is without Chrift is withoutgrace,without ho- linffe. Naa -assn without fordan was overfpread with a loth- fume leprofie ; there is a very filthy leprofie ofuncleanneffe upon them that partake not of Chrift : For Chrift, as the Apofllefaith, is our). Sanllifîcation effectively, as the worker ofit, originally as the headand fixing from whence it is de- rived, without whomour foules are as empty ofgrace as the cifterne of water without the fountaine ; as full of errour, fuperftition, pride and prophaneneffe as Baalr houfe of Ido- laters, as fall of.earthly mindedneff, and covetous prae ifes, as the fluggards field of thornes and bryars, as full of hypo- critic, deceitfulneffe, and unrighteoufnefí, as the Pharifees Sepulchers of dead mens bones, or the Temple of money- changers before Chritt whipt them out. Our fouls are in- deed a very finke of uncleanneffe untill Chrif doth poffeff; us, 4. Man that is without Chrift is without Liberty. Teter without the Angell continued in Herods prifon, without the Lord Jefus man remaines the prifoner ofSatan, the world, and his owne corrupt aff_elions Every unregenerate man is a miferable bond-man, leddWay captive at the will of Satan, un- able to makeany refinance againft him, a volurrary (lave re- futing liberty tendred to him, loving darkeneffe more then light, and Satans prifon better then (brillsPalace; having no,