Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

t2tanofnoefieemewitÌaout ChrÌJL do liberty in his undertlanding to difcernc the things of Cod, in his imagination to meditate and think upon them, in'his will to chufe them, or in his affaftions to love, prize1 and del;ght himfelfe in them: the Liberty of the foule cftranged from thrift Jefus is nothing elfe butbondage. He that is moft free to finne is the greatef} (lave to Satan ; where Chrift isnot, there is no Life quickning, there isno Swine enlightening, there is noC'onquerour diflolving the holds of Satan, there is no -dew fuppling and foftening the hard and fallow groundof mans heart. 1 here is no fire warming the cold and frozen aHIHdlions, and therefore no liberty from corruption, no inclination to the wayes and worksof fancii- fication. It is only Chrift Jefus tt,at minifters tothe foules of' Gods f rvants freedome from uncleanneflè,and liberty to tru.! hclinefie. 5. Al an that is without Chrift is without acceptation with god. Chrift is Gods helaved, in whomman is accepted ; Man that isout of Chrift, hearts not Gods Image, is not ;ods gracious svorknranfh p, is eftranged from Gods ('ovenant,hath no love 3f God withinhim ; is the flave of Satan, the fervant of the wcrld,and a veryfnkeof corruption. H° is no Tree ofRigh- teoufeefle of Gods planting, no childe of Godsbegetting, no lcyall Subjeitof Gods hmg,dome, noveffellofGods gracious filling, no partak.r cf Chritts Rihteoufìiefle to cloath ant: cover him ; l e brings forth no finis to God, but all to hitp -. felt ,to the fleth, and to the world, and therefore can hay, no'accptation with God. 7ofeph his brethren miht HÚ. ' looke him in the face, unle«cthey brought their brother Ben- jamin with them ; Man cannot looke God in the face wirl any confidence, or acceptance, unlefl'e he bring Chrift with him in the armes of his faith ; Mans perfon and fervice finds acceptance withGod only in and throuhChrift Jefus;with- cut Chrfl mans flubble, andGod -a confuming fire to defiroy him ; Man is a guilty malefatIor, andGod a fevere Judge to condemne him the whole ofmanwithout Chrift J_fus is a very abomination in Godspretence. 6. Matt that is withoutChrifl is without Contentation. Tn Chrift the foulemeets withallfatisfadion and fulneffe.Heis a A Sun 307