3;a8 ,wrist 0.24pod anK.beasa" 5aca'n' h thebell evingfoùlebeholdsallfulneff eof`íi a precious tetro;il in whomhe finds all fulnefi: ofworth,a rocky in ,vlan a he feeles all falnel e of firength, afounraine from who:,n he Ira yes all fil a effeof fitísfa ion, and a Paradife in who ..a he enj.ryes all tuln.ffc of pleafures ; but without Chit t the foule finds vaiity and emOtineffe in the greateft abundance the wife findeth anernprineffe in a rich and full houle,, the husbandbeing abfnt, Chrift wanting, the foule meets withvanity in the largeia puff :iron. Chrift is the inar= row and theF tneffe, the fulneffe and the fweetneffeofall our endowments , feparate Chrift from them, and they arebit- ter, and doe not pleat us; weake and doe not futaine us;1 empty and doe not fill us; dumbe and doe not comfort us. It is u; c theabundance of any thing, but Chrift comming with it, that gives contentation whether the thing be much or little.. Without Chrift the deftre is enlarged as hell,and never fatisfied ; the Lord .1 efus is the choife andonely fulneffe of all IChrifrians. 7: Man without Chrift is without 411 f irituall ffilendorand &anti, The. Surine is the gloryof the world; theeye is the glory ofthe head; the foule of the body; the jewell is the gloryof the Ring; the Flowers, Herbs, Trees and Fruit, are theglory of the Gardenand the Field;the Arke was she glory of ¡lead, and Chrift is the dory of 'the Chr inn ;; (filed the y lightof the Gentiles, and the, loryof ifrael, being both the Author and theiaaatter of their glory. Their glory in refped of in.fikraion, as the teacher ¡a-the glory of the Schoote; in refped of vivifOatión;; as.tite foule is the glot'y of the body; in refpe 1 of Re.,emption, as the raufomer is the glory of the captive; in refped of Ç'o lgoei; as Davidwas-the glorycf 1f- rtel, overcomming!the great G'aliuh;inrefpeJ offuft%ficatio», as thegarment is Ile glortyof hicwthat weat'es it; inr.fpva of Stwaifacation,. as..70r an'was The gl61 .df 1 ovr2a):!, 'clean* froghim t'tom his lepro e; pea of repletion, as the fourri- taine is the glory, of the 'cifrerne; and iiTr.fpe&} of .vifand powerfullgtabernation; gracious an' plentifill miniftrarion, as theK in'g is the dotty..of°t?he Kingdonict,, the ilaepheardfi.of the, flocke and as.7 pis=s$asthe gloryof thst:Lands Alj 'pr rhíb-!J ni!ìring yLaIC