Alan.; bafenefewithout Cktift. ( 3,D9 ni((ring provifion to it He that partakes moll: ofChria Je- fus, is the moil beautiful) and glorirjus of all others ; but man without Chrifi is without all fpirituall beauty,in regard of ignorance, as a darke houfe without light, even z darkeneffe it t Eph.5'8. fclte: in regard of nakdnefro, as a man without a garment, ¡ a Rev., . i7. Q naked. miferàbleandwretched, having noother cloathing then amenflratu clout to cover him, led by Satan like Egypt by the Abrians, naked, b barefoot, his buttockes, yea the wholeman . b Ila, :o.4, uncovered ; in regardof fpirituall contrááion and foul-ficknes, Lins, G, his foule like the body of L4-tar isa full of fores, or like the, bodyof `f o6 full of fore boiles, from the foie of his foot unto- his crowne loathfome and incurable are the foules- maladies which hathnot Chria as a Phylitian to heale him ; in regard of the plenitude andfulneffe of all firme, like the fluggards field e Prov .x4.30. (ìncSalonlon)full ofnettles,thornes andbryars, wantingChrifl the great husbandman to manure and dreffe him, and in regard of the refidence of Satan in him,as a cage ofuncleane birds; in. regard of the prefenceand inhabitation of' loathfome luffs, as a fepulchre full of dead mens bones in regardof the dominion of' corruption, as a dead man under the power of death, in whom is nobeauty left ; and in regard of the fordidneffe and bafeneffe of his praflife, way and orderof' his life, as a Sow wallowing in the mire ; fowle and fhamefull, horrid and. loathfome is mans uncemclineffe without Chrif} t The grea- teft firmer is the fowleff monfler;bodily beautywithout Chrifi ' is but greene gruí1e upon a rotten grave, or a Gire garment; Tapota a leprous backe. Did man fee his uncomelineff and deformity without Clitiff, he would aile himfelfe as the Pro- phet ailed Palhor, d A1agor-rniffabib, feare roundabout, every d Icr, 0.44.. way.aterreur to himfelfe. S. Mauwithout Chrifl is without honour. He is no Sonne Of God but oneof Satans fptirtous brood; noFreeman, but a flave tó Satan. Arid his &wile corrüprion ; no Spoufeof Chrifl, but a fpirituall harlot committing fornicationwith the world; no Concquerour, hut a captive led away by divers lulls ; no friend nor favourite of God, but an alien and enemy in Gods account,likenedto thedung and the droffe,thechaff.: and flub-; ble ; for their emptineffe, bafeneflë, and vileneffe in the fight of