g Ia blob 30.8. i Ira 9.6. k s 021.4 .19' l Aft, ío,36. mEph,s.t4. n s Kin.9 s:.. No Chrift, nó `Peace. ofGod,bcingbate in their corrupt original,. z.In their carnali d,fj afitiou,bafe in their xnddrf,Andinpt, wife onely to doe evil,; batè in their Mils, chufing the.evill and refilling thegood; bafe in their imaginations, minding only low things ; bafe in their feare, trnft, love, boy, fearing where nöf:s3re is, fearing man that {hall a dye, and the forme of man which thall be made as graft- trailing in an arme of fl.ih, leaning upon a withered reed, loving and letting his eyes on that which id not, and rejoycing in a thingofnought, and bale in all their intendment, ; the fatisfying of the lulls of the fle(h are the highel marke.to which they levell the arrowes.of all their endeavours. The whole way and practife of man without Chril Jcfus, favours of nothing but hafencfl'e: He that bath not Chrif to innoble him is moil ignoble inhis inward difpo- fition, in his outward condition, in all his undertaking : We may fay of them, as 5o6 did of force of his time : They are children offoolet, yea children 6,f bafe men, theyare viler then earth. He that is the greatel: firanger to ChriK fetus, is the moil bate of all creatures. 9. Man without (hrifl is without peace. Chrifl is the Prince ofipeace,his Subjaels aretheonely Subjec}s ofpeace. God is in none but in Chrifl, "reconciling the world unto himfelfe. 7ofephs brethren found favour withPharaoh onely through9ofeph Chril alone is the Authour ofreconciliation betweenGod and man, peace id ' preached onely by C hrift7eftes, God Mitíiflersare the irltruments of peace onely to finch }er- fonsas embrace theLord Iefus, and Chrifi .(faith the Apolr;c) is our inpeace, the revealer, the proctor, and the tt orkcr of peace in.al the childrenof peace. Man I.hat is without Chrif is anenemy to the God of peace, a ftranger to the Còvenant of peace, uncapable of the wordofpeace, an alien to the way of peace, and full offinne, themain impediment of peace, tohim therefore that wants Chri!l there is no peace. No true, no fpirituall, no heavenly peace,nojoy and peace in the Holÿ- GhoK ; Sinne is mans trouble, but Chrift is mans peace; He that is full of finneand empty of Chrif, hathnothing todoe with pe ce.Yoram once asking, id itpeace, Ìehu? was anfwe. red, ° What haft thou to doe with peace :to long ae the whoredomes of