Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Want Chrift,and want all mtlg motherIezabel, and her Witchcraft.r arefo many. Carnal! an asking, Is it peace, O Meffenger of God ? cati lookefor no otherbut 9ehu'.r anfwer,what half thou todoO carnali man with peace, fo long as thy lulls are fo flrong within thee, thy fornicationswith thecreature fo many, and thy cftrangement from, and rebellions again& the Princeofpeace fo great : His thoughts of peace areall vile and bale delufions, who continues empty ofChrift, the foie difpencerof peace to all bekeving foules. Lilly, and in afew words, Man without Chrifl is without proteEiion. He hath no fhield to defend him in the day when Satan makes warre upon him : Ile bath no helper to refcue himwhen the prince of darkeneffe, the world, and his owne luftsbcfiege him. He is without fupportation, and muff fnke' like the houfe built upon the fand, in the heure, when the winds and waves of affli6tiondoe beate upon him.He is with- out remilon, the Law (lands like the hand writing in Relfhaz- zarf waliagain( him,and filshimwith difmail feare and trem- bling, his finnes areuponhim, and hemutt dye in them. He is without bleffing, all becomes a curie unto him , all without thrill is bitter,like the waters ofMarahwithout theTree. He is without falvation, there is no other name given under hea- ven whereby hemaybe faved. He that is without Chrift is a childe without nurfe, his foule doth (larve ; a City without a watchman,the enemy makes a prey of him ; aship without aPilot, his foule_ fplits upon the rockesof dcfperation, when the flormytempeft ofanaccufingconfcience begins to toff and fhakehim : He is a ficke manwithout a Phyfitian, he dyes in the difeafethat is upon him : He isa witheredbranch without root,prepared' fewell for everlaftingburning: Surelymans bafe- nefE,wretchedneffe, woes and miferies continuing a (granger toClirift 3 efus, doe even furpaffe the exprefiionof the tongues of men and Angels. O how are they beyondmeafure flupid, blocki(h and fenceleff., who pleafe and bleffe theitifelves in their impieties, in an eftate ofeflrangement fromChris} T efus l O how fhould the meditationof mans mifery without Chrift fet his foule onworke to get intereft in Chrift. CHAP. 31 I