Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Want ofallthings nothingto thettantofChr f l 313, which they cannot reade, the treafures of wifdome hid- f den in Chrift are hidden from their underfianding as the light of the Sunne is hidden from the eyes of the blind;; Í: without the fruit of Chrif s death, it dóthñot tnottiñe their; luf}s, their old-P man is not crucifiedWith ChrifE ;' their lugs' P /tong. are notdead with Chrift, as the Philißines dyed with Sirup-. fon : Without the benefit of Chrifts refrrtilion, they are: not planted into the likeneffe of Chrifis refirrrc6tion , they rife not from,finne.and from the world, as Chilli rofe. ft on) the grave; Saari,fon role at <1 midnight and carried.a-! la, ,s.,,a, way the gates of Çaz.t, but the ÇCazites were quiet all night, they tole not Chrift is rifen and hatli made n open way'' for us ro paflè'.from death to life, but carnali men con-. tinue their fleepe and fiumberin fin, they rife not to new-' nefle of life and converfation ; they are without the fruit' and benefit of Chriiis offices, Chrift is not to them a Pro-' phet revealing Gods will, and enlightning their -under-'. flandings ; a Prieft expiating their f)nnes, and reconciling them to Cod a King fi:bduing Satan and their corrupti- ons, ,and reigning gracioufly within them, and making them truly fubjc t and obedient unto God : They are with- out the apprehenfion of Chrifis beauties, and tafte ofChrifis fweetneffe. Chrift is to them like the Manna to .1frael, a light 1 bread ; they fee nos beautynor conilineffe in Chrift, he. is, no more to them then t another Beloved; then gold INI ' and filver, the covetous mans beloved: then honours and rL'airo5,y. high places,. the ambitious mans beloved: then idols and humane rites and ceremonies, the fiuperflitious mans be- loved : they are without the righteoufneffe ofChrifit, he doth not jut})fie them, he doth not cloath them with thegar - ments of falvatipn : Without the pretence of Chrift, as an empty houle without the dweller ; Chrift dw&leth not in their hearts by faith Without the love of Chrift, as a Harlot without the love of' her husband ; without the diffienfadon of Chrift, he doth not communicate himfelfè, and his laving gifs unto them, any more then the head Communicates it felfe to the members which are dead; iChrift fufpends his gracious influence from their follies,: There