Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

316 i Chrift not rafted. not the neceffity of the Arke, until' it was too late, and therefore they entred not into it The Elders of. Çilead at fire knew not their necellity of Iephta, and therefore ex- I. pelled him out of his Fathers Houfe : Mens ignorance of the neceffity of Chrift makes them regardleffe of getting 1 intereft in Chrift, and caufeth them profanely to rejeá Chrift ; they know not the worthand excellencyofChrift; and therefore they fet the empty things of the world a- bove Chrift ; as the Philiffines fet Dagon above the Arke; and 6fau preferred a meffe ofpottage above his birth-right; they know not the holy and gracionsdiffienfations of Chrift; and therefore they prefcrre the miniftrations of the Earth; above the miniftrations of Chrift, as the men of Shechem preferred the brambleabove the Vine:Theyknow not the tArl- fufficiency and fullneffe of Chrift, and therefore they ex?lt the creature, a vaine and empty thing above Chrift, as If u Jer.i.r ;, rael in the Prophet preferred the v broken ciierne above the living fountaine : They know not the fweetneffe and plea- i fantnefle of the face and love of Chrift ; and therfore they prize the love and favour of the world above the love of Chrift ; as Harlots fometimes doe the love of bate andde-' formed firangers, above the love of their owne honourable' and comely Husbands : Chrift is never precious in theeyes of filch perfons as are under the power of fpirituall blind- neffe.. 2. Menbeing without Chrift, doe not taftte the fweetneffc z. No taae of w t Pet.z.3. and goodneffe of Chrifi; he doth not relifh well with their palates : He is not fweet and favoury to their foules; they have not tailed how w good Chrift is ; there is a goodnefle ofillumination,ofregeneration, fandification, fpirituall free- dom; consolation, contentation and pacification flowing from Chrift to the foules of men, which to carnall men is a felted well, whofe waters their palates never tailed : an ccclipfed Starre with whofe light their eye was never af-! felted, they tile not the fweetneffe of Chrift, in the illu-' mintier oftheir underftandings, as theeye taftes thexlwect_ x Ecddd s z7. neffe of the light : Chrift is not Tweet to them in his or-; dinances; as the Mailer of the Feaft to the guest in his dain -