Cbrifl not loved. ( 317 dainties, thefe are not to them a Y feat ofmarrow, of fat y Ifa.ar.6 things, and ofwine well refined upon the lees, for thede-; light and refrefhment, comfort and contentment, which they minifter : Christ is not fweet to them in his Mi- nifters, as a mercifull King in his Embr,ffadours, bringing; tidings of peace to the people ; Chrift is not fweet to them inhis gracious dis`lillations, as the cloud in the raine is' fweet unto the dry earth : They cannot fay of Chrift as the Spoufe did, As Z the e4lpple-tree among the Trees oftheWood, t eant.a,s, fo is my Beloved among the fonnes, fate downe under his!., fiadow With great delight, and his fruit was fweet to my tafl. Nothing favours well with their palates, but things car -1 nail and worldly, to them the bread of deceit, and flolne waters are tweet.; hut they favour not the things ofGod.; 3arzïllai excufed himfelfe from going to `Davids houfe,' from eating of David; meat, becaufe he could not raft wait he did eat or what he did drinl(e, nor could heare any more the vovice offinging men or oftinging women. Carnali men I decline the Houfe of God, and the Feaft which Chrift there maketh, becaufe they cannot tact the things ofGod,; nor heare the fpirituall melodywhich Christ there makes' to the foules ofhis fervants : Mens not tailing of Chrift in his ordinances and in his graces, makes him of no efteem with theirfoules. 3. Men beingwithout Christ have no love to Chrift, he 3.No Iove to is nöt the a fairefl of ten thoufand in their eyes ; they love Chritt. nöt the Lord Jefus, as the Bridegroome to whom their 'C.Lnc.ç.ro. foules are married, as the choifeft pearlebywhom theyare aC or. a6. enriched, as the fon of confolation, with whole beames their foules are comforted, as the fountain'by whom their "hearts are refrefhed, and their delires every way fatis&d Their love to Chrift is not like the love ofyonathan toDa- vid, a love wonderfull, and b pafng the love of women ; there is no futableneffe betweene Christ and their follies, as between the hearts of lovers; they meditate not up- on Christ, as lovers upon their love`; they delight not thernfelves inChrift as the rich-man in the treafure, anh the bride in the bridegroome which they love, their hearts and Ì B b their b âSat11,1.i6,