Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Chrifi unwelcome. to dwell in, bringing forth all our fruit to the fieIh, and to the i world,and none toChrift,what difloyalty ? what hypocri`fie ? what fpirituall adultery is this ? certainly filch men like the ,melt of the Churchof' Sird, though he had m aname that mRev.; r. ho lived yet he was dead : fo thefe though they have the I".'-',' o n ," name of Chriftians, yet they are none of Chrifls This is no ciLs,n to an evill of which Christ is very fenfble, whereof hemuch guitar, diji,ni. complaines : If (faith he) a max come unto you in hie ewne lia fentiunt : Co' name, bring a corrupt and carnali dodtrine, feeke himfelfe, tee proftirc' exalt, and magnifie hirnfelfe, him ye will receive, his perfon toC asiifnli i,.. you will reverence, his doctrine you will receive, his fay - , 'oh í 44 ings you will beleeve, to his diftates you will vaile and floop, ; but faith Chrift, 1 am come inmy Fathers nameand ye receive me not, I am come from God, I have my calling and commifhon from God, I bring no humane, but a hea- venly dodrine , I fceke not mine ownc, but my Fathers glory, and ye receive me nor, ye regard not my perfon, ye beleeve not my doctrine, ye obey not my precepts , you love not me, you rejoyce not, you delight not in me. Generally men are more addit`ted to, and delighted in cor- rupt and carnali inventions, then in the fpirituall and hea- venly dofrine of' Chrift, and his Gofpell. Chrifts com- ming in the power and brightnefle of his Gofpell is very unwelcome to many people ; as the comming of the King to a Rebell, the comming of an officer to a theefe, or the commingof the husband to his wife that playes the harlot ; andwhat is this ? but the fhame of all Thames, and difho- nour of' all difhonours, to a Chriltian to deny his Chrift, to refufe his Chrift, not to rejoyce anddelight in his Chrift comming to him in the glad tydings of his Gofpell. We. all conclude it a foule difhonour to a fubjea, a fervant, a wife; to deny their King, their Ivl after, their Husband,not to rejoyce in their comming, in their prefence, but to i1iut the doorcs of their houfes againft them, to deny them en- trance and entertainment : And is not a faille ftaine fo to deale with Chrift, fo to exclude Chrift comming to us by his Word and Minifters. 1 If you aske me whence it is that Chrift is fo unwel- D come, 17