Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

374 (Ad-any within the Church very vitiates. Thus if you were the genuine and naturali children ofthe ÇChurch, you would doe the works of them, that are the Church awl children of God ; and be af"fured ofthis, though 'thou live within the pale of the Church, yet if thou live r.Carnall man under the power ofany prophane luft, thou air, living within i. An unbeleever, thou receiveft not Chrift into thy foule, the church, is thoubuildeit not upon the rocke, but upon the fand, and thou t, Au unbent:- wilt Linke at the lait ; fur faith where it is, is vii-torious, it ver. ì overcomes Satan, the world, and every haft, it purifies the heart, and makes man aholy Temple to the Lord, it over- ! turnes all theholds of finne, it drives all bafe lulls out of the j heart, as Chrift overturned the Tables, and drove the buyers ' and fellers out ofhis Fathers houtè. a.An hypocrite 2. Thou art a very hypocrite , a curled counterfeit , a whited fepulchre, full of dead mens bones within, like the Locufts which had the face of a man, and the haire ofaWoman Without, but the teeth of aLyon Within, and the talle of aScor- pionbehind : Thus though thou haft the face ofa Chriftian' without, yetthou haft the rapineof a Lyon, and the poifonof a Scorpion, the venomeofall finne within, and wilt have the portionofanhypocrite at laf}. 33 A défiler of z. Thou art a defiler of things facred, an abufer ofGods i-acred things, Qrdinances, one that turneft the meanes of life. into an ecca fionof death ; theevil! herbe turned the Prophets pot into a pot of death ; the evill of finne fwaying in thy foule, turnes the word of life into the favour of death ; Like the fpider, , thou fuckeft poifon out ofthe flower ofthat Word and Sacra- ment, which in it felfe is fweeter then the honey, or the honey- combe. 4.A fcandal I ! 4. Thou art a fcandall to the Church ofChrift where thou to the Church. liveft ; thou art a blemìfh to the Chriftian name, as an ulcer to the face, as a dead member to the body; for through fuch, as the A` oftle faith,is the name of God ble f hemed ; mifliving Chriftians are of all perfons the greateft difhonour to Chrift Jefus. s-Greatefìcon- Laftly, be allured thy condemnation will be greeteft,thy tor- demnation. ment the fevereft ; They that come neareft to Heaven by their outwardcallingand profeflìon, and yet are ftrangers to the