Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

SanEfifictation makes a Chrißian. the life and powerof godlinefle, {hall finke lowefl intohdl, and drinke deepefl of the cup of Gods vengeance ; To fuch I therefore our Saviour faith, it fiatl be eafier for Sodome and Gomorrah in the day of lodgement then for them. 4. Areall prophane men aliens to the Church of Chrifl, 4. Exhortation though they live within the pale thereof ? Then let all fuch to the putting as live within the Church, learne by this, to purge out, and awayof fn. put away all prophaneneffe, to fearch and feeke for, and fur- nub themfelves with all favtng gifts and graces, the proper charafers of the living members of the true Church of Chi-ill, knowing as the Apoflle faith, that he ú. not a _Tao who is one outwardly, neither is that Circumcifion which is outwardin thefiefh;6at heua JewWhich is oneinwardly, Whofe Circumcifion l u that of the heart, in the Spirit, and not in the Letter, whole praife t nor ofmen, but ofGod. It is not mans nakedprofeflion of Chrift, but his inward fanêfifìcation that makes him a true Chriflian, and holineffe is the honourable and infeparable Ad- iun5 of Chrif?s Church, called by the Apoflle a Church a of u t Cor.14. ;3 Saints ; becaufe Chrift who is the head of this Church is holy, and makes them partakers of his holineffe, feparates them from the world by a holy calling, commits his holy word unto them, caufeth it to dwell in them, and beflowes his holy Spirit upon them, and worksholineffe within them; and as Chrift who is the headof the Church, was according tò the fleÌn, conceivedofeke Holy- Clhoft : fo is the Church the myflicall body of Chrift, fanftifìed by theholy Spirit ; and as the fulnefe ofthe god-head dwellethperfonally in the perfo- nall bodyofChrift : fo dwell the three Perlons oftheTrinity myftically and fpiritually in the myflicall bodyof Chrift,and all the living members of the fame ; therefore as we profeffe our felves to be the children cf God , a God abfoleetely and infinitely holy, fo let us he holy in all manner of con- verfation, as he that hath called us is holy ; as we profeffe our felves to be the members of Chrift, who is ahall head, fo let us conforme our felves to Chrift, as themembers in the body natural! are conformed to thehead ; and as we are {ti- led the Erieof Chrift, fo let us feele in our hearts the fweet and heavenly motionofthe holySpirit, the pledgeofChriffs love ; 3y5