CarnallMas afiranger to the Covenant. love ; and as the Bridegroomeleveth, cloatheth, adorned) and dcfendeth his Bride, thus let us labour to difccrne Chrìfts (bedding abroad his love into our hearts, cloathing us with his righteoufneffa,adorningus wish his graces,and defending us by his bleffed power, and prefence ; and as we arecalled childrenof light,fo let the light ofgrace in us, like the light in the firmament, Chine more and moreunto the perfeft day; the more we thine in holineffe,the more fWeetneffe (hall we find in Gods Ordinances, the greater tranquillity (hall trie have in our ownsconfciences, the more amiable (ball we be in the eyes of Chrift Jefus, the more fhall we6eautife the Church ofChrift,whereofwe are members;and as the veffels ofthe tranfportativeTabernacle wereat length tranflated in- to Solomon, Temple, fo (hall we after our ambulatory and mutable condition in the Church militant, be tranflated to reft, and reigne for ever inthe Church triumphant. CHAP. XV. Handling carnal cMans of rangement from the Cove- nant. T'He third Alienation, declaringthemiferyofcarnali and J finfull man, is an Alienation from the Covenantsof God, termedfranpers from the Covenants of promife. Mans happi- nefle is built upon his intereft in Gods gracious promife; the ftrangers to this promife are the molt unhappy of all per- 1 ns. Carnall men are aliens to Chrift, to the members of Chrift, to Chrifts common-wealth, and to all the preroga- tives andpriviledges thereof; orangers to the Covenants ofpro.. mife made in and through Chrift . Godmade, andoften re- newed, and repeated his Covenants and promifes with the Ifraelitifh people, concerning their falvation in and by Chrift.In thebeginning theLord made this Covenant with wGens 15. our firft Parents, promifing that the vv feed of the woman, which is Chrift, fhould breake the fcrpents head the Lord xGen. 17 7. renewed it with .s6raham, and his feed, faying, I x suiflefla-