Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Carnal! .Mn a a f ranger to the Covenant, blifh my Covenant between meand thee, and thyfeed after thee in their generations for an everlaflino Covenant to be a God unto thee,andthy feed afterthee ; and ofthe Ifraelitifh people in this refped, fpeaks (Motes, Whdt Nation is there fo great who bath Godfo nigh unto them, as the Lardour god is in all things that We call upon him for, andWhat Nation is there fo great that path Statutes and judgementsfo righteous as all this Lare Which r fet before you this day. Now to thefe Statutes, Oracles and Promu es,' the Gentiles before the cotnming of Chrift were ftrangers, they no way appertained to them; and to the laving fruit and benefit ofthis Covenant of Grace, Salvation and everlafting life, all profane men fince the comming of' Chill, remaining without Chriff, being no living Members of the mylticall body of Chrift, no loyall Subjects in the common-wealthof Chrift : To this Covenant, I fay, they continue ftrangers : it doth not appertaine unto them, they cannot claime Salvation by it : Whence obferve, That, All corrupt and carnali perlons are .!rangers to Gods Co- venant of Grace andSalvation in and thorough Chrifl ]eftos : madam feeding upon the Tree of' forbidden fruit, was ex- cluded from the Tree of life ; man feeding upon, and fil- ling himfelfe with the forbidden fruit of ftrme, is excluded from Chrift, and all thepromifes ofGod in Chrift, and all benefit comming by Chriif. Vnto the Y wicked, to the man whofe heart is empty ofgracc, voidofthe true flare ofGod, and farre from the life and power ofgodlineffe, God faith, what haft thou to doe to declare my Statutes, to talke of my Doc}rine , or of' the rules and wayes of my worfhip, or that thou fhouldefl take my covenant into thy mouth, that thou thouldeft vaunt and boaft thy felfe to be of the number of that facred people, whom I have adopted to my felfe by peculiar Covenant ; or that thou fliouldeft expert Salvati- onby my free and gracious promife, wherein thou haft no inter& Such as kcepe not Gods precepts, pr,Anne in vaine of Salvation by Gods promife ; he that obfervesnot Gods Commandement, bath nothing to doe with Gods Covenant t Therefore fuch men though they live within the 377 yPfal,1o,i6.