378 ' Carnap than aftranger to the Covenant. t Nutn.ao.Io. the paleof theChurch are termed z Rebels, rebellious children ita.3 0, t. anda rebellioushoufe ; a Rebell though he live within the king- E3zeko..8, dome, yet bath nothing todoe with the priviledges of the kingdome, thefe belong to the loyall and obedient Subjeéis a Deut.z t.to. ofthe Kingdome : under the Law a a rebellious Sonne, though hehad a place ofabode inhis FathersHoufe, yet had heno ti- tle to his Fathersgoods, nor to any immunities belonging to the Houle, but being ftubborneand rebellious, a glutton or a drunkard, one that would not obey his Fathers voyce, he was tobe {toned to death : Profaneand carnall men though they live and have their abode within the pale of Chrifts Church , yet rebelling againtt Chrift, breaking the bands in fonder, andcarting away the cords ofGods Law from them, being ftubborneand rebellious, and refuting toobey thevoyce oftheLord, the Priviledges of Chriifs Kingdome, the Co- venant of falvation by Chili, appertaines not unto them. b Heb.ta.8. Sometimes they are termed b baftards ; bollards have a place within the houfe with formes, but the inheritance belongs not unto them; Ifhrnael had a place in Abrahams houfe with Ifaae, yet being the fonne ofa bond-woman, the inheritance camenot tohim, but to Ifaac ; thus carnali men not being regenerate and borne of God, not being the genuine and true . children ofGod, ,but hypocritesand bond-men toSatan, and their ovine lutts, they are no heyres nor co-heyres with Chrift, they are ftrangers to the Covenant ofgrace. Ofthem c Hu16,7, therefore the Lord faith, that they c like, men, or like Adam, have tranfgre(fed my Covenant, and have made forfeiture of all, as Adamdid, or theyhave tranfgrcffed my Covenant, as the covenant ofa man , regarding their covenant withme no more then a covenant betweene man and man, and they have dealt treacheroufly againft me ; they have tleighted me, they have not defired friend(ip and confortthip with me ; but they have depraved my worthip and apoffatized from mee, d3er.zz.g, andof fuch the Prophet yeremy faith, They d have forfaken the Pr}v.a. t 7_ Covenant of the Lord their god, as the Harlot in Salomon forfooketheguide ofher youth, and forgot the Covenant of 1. her God ; thus thefe men committing fpirituall fornication with the world, forfakeChrift, theguide oftheir foules,and forget