3 So Naturall man very ignorant. i I Sam.' I 2 iiCor.44 lIcr.3.14,15. rn lfa.545,13 ra Ier.3 1.34, o z Cor.I.Zc. regenerating them, as a Phyfician healing them, as a King of mercies pardoning them ; they know not Chrifi,as a Pro - phet inffruL`ting them, as a Prieft fan l fying them, as a Prince of peace ruling within them , and reconciling God unto them ; they know not the word ofCod, as a light gui- ding them, as dew foftning their hearts, as fire purging their foules, as food noarifhing and ftrengthening them in all grace, and being thus ignorant, they are frre from Gods Covenant ; fuch blinde men arc in covenant withSatan the Prince of darkneffe : NahaJh the Ammonite would not make a covenant with the men of _Well; Gilead ; but on this con- dition, that he might i thruft out all their right eyes. The God of this world, the Devill, k blinds the eyes ofthe underffanding of all that are in covenant with him, that the glorioue light of the go.gell may not Jhine into them ; but filch as are in cove- nant withGod, are men of knowledgeand facred underftan- ding : God gives them the meanes of knowledge outward-, ly,and works knowledge in them inwardly : I I ammarried unto you (faith the Lord) there is his covenant with them, and I will give you Paftors according to mineowne heart, which (hall feed you with knowledge and underflanding, there is the minifiration of the meanies of knowledge to them. Thy maker (faith the Prophet) is thym husband, there is thecovenant ofwedlock between Godand his Church,and allthy children fallbe taught of God, there is the inward illu- mination of their underftanding ; and againe, this faith the Lord (hall be the covenant that I will make with the houfe of Ifrael, Itrill " put my Law in their inwardparts, andWrite it in their hearts, andthey ¡hall allknoW me from the leaft of them unto the greateft of them. Naturall looks are unfit to enter cove- nant with men, fpirituall fooles are as unfit for Gods cove- nant, there is no communion between light and darkneffe, there is no covenant,no fellowfhip between God,who dwels in light inacceffable, and them that are overwhelmed with thedarkneffeof ignorance. 2. In regard of Alienation from (shrift the foundation of the Covenant. All the promifes of grace and falvation are in Chrift, in him they are o Yea and Amen, lure and certaine, firme,