3 Enmityagain"god, firm and durable ; incline your care, and come unto me (faith( $1 the Lord) heare andyour foule {hall live, and I will make an ICa everlaflingcovenant with you, even the pfure merciesof`Da- P íí'3 vid,which is Chri&, inand through whomGod fhewes him- felfe a father of mercies to all beleevers : re (faith Saint `Pe- ter) are thfchildren q of the Prophets, and of the Covenant,' qA is3,35,0 which God made with our fathers, faying unto e/liraham, And in thy feed (hall all the kindreds of the earth be bleffed. Vntoyou fìrft God having raifed up his Sonne Jefus, lenthim to bleJJ''e you in turning away every one ofyou from your iniqui- ties God communicates all bleflings through Chrift Jefus, every thing turnes to a curie tohim that is without Chrift, the choifeft Neâar proves bitter as gall tohim that bath not Chrift to fwecten thefame unto him : Now everyprophane man is r without Chrift, an enemy to the Croffe ofChrift, a r Eph,a 12. de.fßiferof"theDo° rineofChrift,anoppoferof the Kingdome Rorn,16is. of Chrift, no friend ofChrift, no true member in Chrift, no Luk 16. 4. lively ftone built upon Chrift the living hone and beingout 9 4 of Chrift,they arcftrangers toGods gracious promife. 3. In regard of Enmity againft God, who is the Authour of the covenant, and the fruition and enjoyment of whom is the fupreame fubftance, andcomfort of the covenant, the chiefeft and choifeft good ofthe foule of man, s They ,Kull be f Ier.3:.39. mypeople, andJ Will betheir god, faith the Lord,and I Will maize an everlafting Covenant With them : I willbe their God, faith he, I will be all in all unto them ; I will be their King to command them, their Father to make provifion for them, their Husband to marry them, their Friend to folace them, their ¡lucid and buckler to protect them, their Captaine to fight for them, to vanquifh all that doth oppofe them, the t f rength of their heart, and their portion forever, as thePfal- t Pfa1.73.16. miff ipeakes. Now carnali men are without God, alienated from the life ofG©d ; andas our Saviour faid in another cafe, Eph.4.18. God is not aGod of the dead,but of the living:fo in thiscafe, Ma411.3Z he is not theGod ofthem that are dead in finne, but of them that live the life of grace. Prophane men are aliens and ene- Eo1.t.as. mies toGod by their evill works, hatersof God, hating him inhis Lawesof holineffewhich he bathprefcribcd to them ; I Ff iri