38a Ron. 1.19. Rom, 8, 7. u Prov.9 17, zr Rom ; zt, xrov. oa;. )tob zq.16. Ier.zr.zo. Ifa 2848. bRnm.8 zS. c z Cor.r.ar. Bph. I. z:3. Agreement withSin. in his works of holineffe upon the foules ofhis children,and in theholy laboursofhis faithfull andholyMiniflers, and ha- vingenmity againfl God, they have nothing to doe wi h the covenant ofGod. 4. In regard of Agreement Withfìnne, which is the breach of t he Covenant Carnali man and fìnne are at a very fulla- greement,with this they agree as the palatewith fweet meat, foin waters (faith Salomon) are (weet, and bread eaten in . fecret is plcafant ; with this their hearts accord, as the hand with theglove, the care with the rnuficke, the foot with-a plainepath, or the fi(h with the water, it is no burthen, no trouble to them, their foot is w fwift to run"this race, it is a s Ion to them todoe evil},you drinkup iniquity like y Water, it isthe centre to which they move, it is the clement where- in theydefire and delight to live. Now finne is thebreach of the covenant between God and the foule, as adultery breaks the covenant of wedlocke between man and wife, They are 2 turnedhacke (faith the Lord) to the iniquity oftheir Fathers, and have broken my covenant. Raigning prophaneneffe un- doubtedly excludes man from Gods promife ; he that is, as the Pr3phetfpeakes, at an agreement withdeath, and in cove- nant with Hell, finning fecurely, andwithout feare, cannot be in covenant with God ; he that is not afraid tooffndGod, . cannot be at peace withGod. N. In regard of the Of'?ace of the Spirit, the principali ap- plying cause of the covenant and promife to the foule of man : He (faith our Saviour of the Spirit) a,lball receive of mine, and 'hall Any it unto you ; that is, the Spirit (hall make application unto you of the benefits which come by me ; he (hall make mydeath effoduall tomortifie your lulls, and my bloud efficacious topurge away your finne, and my refurreeliori powerful to reviveandquicken your foules ; he (hall make you partakers of all thepromises, favours and blef- fingsof God, difpenfcd through mec to man ; and for this the Spirit is called the Spirit of b adoption, affiring us of' the fatherly loveof God inChrifl tow arils us : The E earneft and Sealeof our inheritance, affuring us of our faivation through Chrifl : Now carnal'. men are dei}itutc of the Holy-Ghofl, they