Voidof faith 383 theyare d fenfssall (faith ?tide)having not the Spirit ; having not d Jude v. it. the Spirit as a dweller poffeflîng them, as a teacherinftrueting ; them, as water washing them, and having not theSpirit of God, they have nothing to (Icewith the a Covenant of God,! e R0m.8.9. becaufe God gives his Spirit to all fuch ashe receives into his Covenant. 6. In regardof thewant offaith and obedience, the cendi-1 Lion of the covenant on mans behalfe. The promife is made to them that beleeve, } received through faith, and they Which ÑGal. 69 be of the faith are blefJed with faithful' Abraham (faith the Apoftle) And he that beleeveth , faith Christ , (hall be' faved , but bee that beleeveth not null be damned : Faith apprehends the promife, and purifies the heart, and makes mancapableof all thepromí.fes of God, godlinefeha- ving the promife ofthis life, andofthel f Which io to come : Now carnali man is deftitute both offaith, andof a godly life, his, faith like 3eroboams hand is withered, he cannot reach it forth to apprehend Chrift, and the promife of life in Chrift. Though carnali man live within the pale of the Church,and cometo theHoule and Table of the Lord ; yet like him in the Parable that came to the wedding feaft without a wed- Mat.iz: ding garment, he hathnot put on Chrift, Chrifts righteouf nefae doth not cloathe him, and therefore is an unwelcome gucft, thedainties there provided doe neither profit him, nor belong unto him; his faith is a deadfaith, it doth not pu- g Iam.s. :o. rifle him, it makes him not viEtorious over Satan and the world ; he continues as a dead man in thehoufe, having no claime nor title to the things of thehoufe : The foolifhVir MI: 25. gins wantingoyle in their lamps were not acknowledgedby Chrift, he didnot open to them, he.gave them no admiflìon : Profeffion without faith and obedience gives no intereft in Chrtft, norfinds anyacceptance withChrift ; hethat breakes the conditions of thecovenant, can juftly claimenothing by the covenant. The covenant fromwhich prophane menare excluded, is the Covenant of grace, by which God appointeth a heavenly inheritance to hisadopted children, through thedeath of his Sonne Jefus Chrift interveening. F f a The