Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

384 ,Explication of Covenant. The matter of this covenant, is the promifeofGod, tobe- come our God in Chrift, and the protnifeof man tobeleeve in God through Chrift, and to walke withGod in ncwnefi of life. The formeof this covenant confifteth in a mutual' obliga- tionof God toman,and of man to God : The 06icel ofthis covenant is properly the elec4effectually called,it is offered to all to whom theGofpell is preached, the elect alonehave the trueand comfortable fruition of it. The moving naafi of this covenant is themeere mercy and free favour ofGod ; the im- pulfive caufe hereof, is the merit of' Chrift, by whole inter- ccflìon aloneall the elect are reconciled untoGod; the final[ aufe, is the glory of God, and the falvation of his chufen ; the Adiunti of it, is perpetuity, an everlalling covenant, a covenant of wedlocke whichnever {hall be ended. And to this covenant all corrupt and carnal[ men, as long as they continue fuch, are{hangers ; they are Itrangers to the com- fortable and experimental! knowledge ofit,they doe not know themfelves reconciled únto God in Chrift Jails ; they are strangers to the matter of it ; they doe not know God tobe their God, their trcafure, their crown: and comforter, nei- ther doe they know themfelves tobe Gods peculiar people,, by a lively faith in God,by fervent love towards. God,by holy and humble walking,and gracious communion withGod,nor by Chriltian applicationof themfelves, with all their might" to the fervice ofGod ; and ítrangers they are to thefruitsand efeftsof the covenant mentioned by the Prophet Jeremy, as infcription of the Law in their hearts, illumination oftheir underftandings, remitlion of their finnes, holy andconstant fiare not tooffend God, ítedfaft perfeverance in the wayesof God, and divine difpenfation of all things to worke for the belt unto them, and thus they arc very unhappy {hangers to thecovenants ofpromife. CHAP: