Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

(fery ofCarnal:ef#ete, 385 CHAP, XV I. ,Difplaying the psifers andancomfertabltnefe of Mans e- ft ate without the Covenant. N this is very fully opened the mifery and uncomfortable- Miferycf c=r- ! nelieofevery corrupt and carnali mans c[late. Mans fole nail mans B- and onely hope and expeetation of comfort, is from the free Bate opened. and gracious Promife ofGod in Chrift, he bath no other ftaffe to fuftaine him, nootter Star to fend forth any glimpfe ofconfolation toh im, no other well from whence to draw He that is out any water ofrefrcfhment ; yet even from this is the carnali of the Cove. man excluded, he bath no interoft in this covenant : and ha- navy is, i ving no interest in this covenant He is I. Affranoer to Chrifp A f range! ; to ChriR. I and to thatfàlvationwhich comethby Christ ; CI rif} tàveth bRom.s.;9. onely filch as come within thecovenant, the h Tromifeof fai- vationby Chrift is to them whom God 'hall call, from death to life, from darkneffe to light, from bondage toliberty, and from uncleanncffe to holineffe, according to that of the Lord by the Prophet to cur Saviour, I the Lordhave i called thee, i ifa.42.6, to theOffice ofa Mediatour ; in righteoufnefe, my Juftice movingme to fulfill my gracious Promife ; 1 Will hold thine hand, I will helpe thee, I will minister ftrength unto thee, to fulfill this office; I Will lkfepe thee, from flittering umili the time appointed, and in thy iu ering that thou defpaire not ; and give thee for a Covenant, aMediatour ofthe people, and' a light, a Saviour to the Gentiles ; to open the blind eyes, to en- lighten their understandings by the preaching e.fthe Gofpell; to bring out the prifeners from the prison, and them that fit in, darknefe from the prifon. houfe, to set mine elee} free from the power ofSatan, dominion offin and feare ofHell :Now 111 carnali men whoare without the covenant have not Chrift a Mediatour reconciling them to God, an enhghtner of their 1 ' underfiandings, nor a reftorer of their foules to fpirituall 1 F f 3 free-