386 . Emptineffe ofhe,tvenlJgifu. z.Empty of heavenly gifcs Ro:n.7, c 8, l¿ z Sam.i q.; z 1 Ho,f.B.aa. m Lu. i.53. Gen 0. . nRev.; 7. o ICa. ç 1 freedome : Chrift is not unto them life qufckning them, a Rock!, fupporting them, Righceorsfneffe cloathing them, a Husand marrying them, and a Foun+tcine filling them ; but they are without Chrift, as a Houfe without a Foundation, as Members without a Head, as Captives wi;bout a Ranfomer, and as a forfaken Doman without a Husband è The woman which is not under thecovenant of wedlock, hath no Hus- band ; the foule which is not under the covenant of grace, hath no Jefas, no Deliverer, no Salvation by Chria. 2. He remaines empty of all s»iritua/l and heavenly gifts, his foule is an empty honk, wherin dwels no good thing ; he is a dranger to all Godsgracious and fouleefiving coanmu- nications ; he that is not in covenant with the King, that reftaf_th the Oathof Allegiancetothe King, isexcluded from communion with the King , and from all fuch Preroga- tives and favours, as the King grants to them that are in co- venant with him ; Inch as are not in covenant with God, like eAbfolom in another cafe, cannot fee the k Kin7s faee, the face of God doth not Chine ,but frowneupon them ; they fit in darkeneffe and the fhadowof death, God doth not re- veale hirnfelfe clearely and gracioufly unto them ; the great things ofhis Law are A i firange thing unto them : they have no difcerning of the things ofGod, the Lord fends them a- way .1, empty from his houle and from his Ordinances, after their long living within the paleofthe Church, and long at- tendance upon theGofpell, and often being at the Lordsfeali ofmarrowandoffar things, theycontinue like Thara?hs leane Leine after their eating the fat,as leane as ever, blind, paore,na- ked, miferable and n Wretched, as Chrift fpeaketh Gods gra- ces are difpenced with his Covenant ; thou Jlialt brcake forth on the riht hand and on the left, faith the Lord ; thou ¡halt multiply abundantly and be very fruitfull, a mother. of many fpirituall children, there is the frnitfulneffe of, the Church; for thy maker is thy ,husband, there is Gods Covenant; the fonles wedlock with the Lord Jefus is ever attended with fpirituall fruitfullneile but the ftrangers to this Co. venant,continue barren,hke a Womanwithout a Husband. 3. Hee is without the Lords gracious and fare proteilion : Godì