Withoutprateetion, Itithout title to any biting,. ;s7 God is a Sun,e andd aShield to them that are withinhis Cove- ;Without [up- nant, that rral' P uprightly, as thèPfalmift fpeakcs; to theft p tra184 II. he is a wall of fire round about them, theft he keepeth as the zach :.5, apple of his eye; thefehe watereth like a Vineyard every mo- Ic; $7, ment, snake/mg, them day and night leaft any hurt them ; but them that are without his covenant,he leaveth themras a Vin- , yardwithout an hedg,as a flock without a Shepheard, &a City qRom, r::4. without aWatch-man;thefe the Lord leaveth to theirv fins, as r PIA.t oß.6. a lick-man tohis difeafe, to r Sawn, as awandring Sheepe to',. the Lyon, as a barren field to the wilde Boare and Beall of s Icr.34.1 s,xo the Forretl , thefe he leaveth to their r enemies to fpoyle' them ; thcfe haveno hidingplaceunder the fhadow ofGods wings, whendangers doe Ault them The menofthe old world which were without theArke were left to the waters to fwallow them, they that are without the Covenant of God in Chrifl are lyable to a deluge of woes and miferies to furprize them. . 4Wthout title 4. He is .without all #irituall claime and title to any biting: The woman which is not inmatrimoniali covenant with the Mailerof thehoule, bath no title to the thingsof the Houle. t Heb.s.3. Chrift is the t ;mire of all things ; he that is not in covenant withChrifl, not married toChrift, though he hach a civil) h.E right in refpeè} of men, yet het bath not fpirituall u Io 3s right in refpeft ofChrift to any thing ; God as a bountifull Mafler feeds him as a fervant, but he pofIT -ifeth nothing as a Son, he can claime nothing, he enjoyes nothing as a Son, an Heyre and Co-heyrewith Jelos Chrift. = y Without 5. He is without the bleffing of God, Gods blefling goes Llc(Iing, w 6,1,3.9 with his Covenant, They ( faith St. `Paul) which are of the VV Faith, true beleevers, partakers ofthe Covenant, they are blefred with faithfiull Abraham ; they are blefled as in the 3u- flification oftheir foules, fo in their perfons, in their pofJèfcns, in their civili and religious performances, and in all their fuffe- ringsand f verall changes ; but fach as are without theCove- x rf toga;. Want ate farre ¡%m biding ; The wrath of hod (faith St. ,y Ioh ;.;6, fohn) abideth on them : on their perlons, on their pofffli- t Ier,sa. ro, ons, on their undertakings ; the Lord fets his Z face <:gainf I them for evill and notfor good, that which is goad in it felfe, F f 4 turnes