Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

38R 6 Without peace. Charatiers ofc2/fanWithin the Covenant.. turnes for evil' into them, their very blefli igs turn.: to a curfe, as the meat ofdifeafedbodies turnes to evil' humours : their veryTable becomes theirfare, yea, the word oflife be- comes to them the favour of death auto death, and Chrift htmfelf who is the way, the truth and the life, becomes a {}one offiumbling anda rockeofoff:nce. b . He is without peace ; there is no peace ( faith the Pro- phet ) to the Wicked; no fpirituall, no truepeace to them that are not within theCovenant ofpeace; they are as the toffd Sea whichbath no ref}, but is in continual) agitation calling up mire and dirt; there is gravel! in their bread'whichmakcs it bread offerrowe, to them ; there is a thorne in their bed,. which caufeth their fleepe to depart from them ; with Bel, 1 Jhazar theyhave a hand- writingappearesin thewall of their ! Banquetting-houfe, which turnes their merry feafting into- difmall feare and trembling, and in tlatmidfìr oftheir fuHîci- ency theyare in ftraights ; there is a worme within them.. continuallybiting andgnawing them, caufing their hearts to meditate terrour : the thought ofGod isterrible to them, as the thought of a fevere Judge to a guilty malefa. or; the thou;ht of the Word affights them, as the light a theefe, havingftolne goods about him : and by thisyou may in part at leaft difcerne theuncomfortableneffeoftheir eftate who are withoutthe Covenant. CHAP.XVII. Propoftn, certaine martres and charmfers of mans being within the Covenant. blsrks or cht_ ( Armall mans eftrangement fom the Covenant of' grace, raci rs of be 1 and miiery in being without it ; fhould occalìon every ingwithin the' man toexamine his owneeitate in this behalfè, and firtve to Cuvenaac. find inhimflffound and cleare evidence ofhis intereft in this Covenant, which may be difcerned, I. By;