Cods ApplicationofHimfelfe to Man. 389 I. By gods being all in all to man ; this is a prime par- 1. God all ,in.' cell of the Covenant, l will be their Cod ; the husband Is to the all to man. ° woman joyned in matrimoniali covenant with him,inaeadof all and more then all other men;God isto him that is in cove- nant with him,inflead oral other things,as Elk¢na laid toHan- rah, Am not 7 to thee better then ten foes isGod to the foul: efpoufcd to him, better then allthings, tofuch a one.God is a Fatherregenerating, a Sun cnlightning, a dwellerpo lung, a King commanding, aGuide leading, a Treafure enriching, a Friendcomforting, and a Fountaine filling ; he is fuch a foulesfummum benum ; his fhield fordefence, his rocke for fupportmcnt , his Counfellonr for advice, his Paradife for comforts, his Bridegroome for love, his Friend for commu- nion, and his Portion for fatisfaftron ; he is able to fay, Whom have? in Heaven but thee, and there none upon Earth. that 1 delire befides thee, my fieJh and my heart faileth, but god is the flrength ofmy heart and my portion for ever. God his making himfelfeours, in theway offandlification,fatisfaaion and fpirituall comfort, is a fàwect affurance ofourbeing with- _Fß,11 applica- in his Covenant. Lion of man co 2. By mans full application of himfelfe to rod ; this is a- God. notherbranch ofthe Covenant, they allbe my. people : Schol- tars in my Schoole learning my will ; fervants in 'my houle doingmy work: ; Souldiers in my army fighting my battels ; Subieltl in my Kingdome receiving my Lawcs, and 'íludy- ing theexaltation ofmyname; Children in my Family abi- ding-inmy houfe, delighting in my prefence, and rejoycing in their communion with me ; and trees of Righteoufnefle in my Orchard, bringing forth all their fruit tome; they (hall be all that they are unto me, as awife is what fhe is unto her husband, bringing forth children unto her husband, and ca- ring how topleafe her husband : thus they who are incove- nant withGod, firivctobeall that they arc unto God, doe all for God, their full andconllant care is how to pleafe God, ! i Co1.4.1.9: they are *not their own;they live notafter their own fancy,they ! intend not thcmfelves in what they do,but they arc theLords, ! in their underflandings to know him,in their wils to intend { j him,in their imaginationsto thinkupon him,intheir at lions Ì to.