Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

:390 He that is in the Covenant kath theSpirit.. to fears and true him, to love and rejoyce in him, in their !, tongues to faeake of him and pleadfor him, in their hands to work that which is good and 'honourable unto God,and in all their abilities therewith tohonour him, proftratiug all under thefeet ofGod, referring and ufing all to the glory of God, bR0m.14 g, b living and dying (as the Aportle faith) unto the Lord, li- ving as Gods fervants, framing the wbole way and order cif their life according to Gods prefcription, referring their whole life to the glory cfGod, and refting in all the labours and troubles oftheir life uponGod, with a firme confidence, being affured that God takes care for them, and dyingas Gods peculiar people, patiently fubmitting to the hand of God in the timeof their diffolution, firmlydepending upon God in thehoure oftheir change, heartily deuiring that God may be glorified by their death; and teeing fully affired, that their temporall death Ihall be an entrance intò eternal' life; he who thus fullyapplies himfelfto God, may afhure himfelfofhis be- ing incovenant withGod. ;. By mans participation of the #irituall and heavenly he- nefits which the covenant comprehendeth, as, t. The donation of the Spirit, it is the Lords promife to ¢ Ioel,, powre out his Spirit upon all flefh, to put his Spirit within us, and to caufeus to walke in his waycs, fo that he who is with- in the Covenant of God, hath the Spirit ofGod quickning and enliveninghim, as the foule doth enliven the body;3en 4 Ioh.16.iz,*.3 lightning and teaching him, guiding and leading him into the cleare and couafortableknowledge ofall truth, as the guide leades-the Traveller into theknowledge of the way wherein e 1°,1'44.; be is to walke, regenerating anderenewing him, fanaifying Ezek,36.sç. and c eanfing him, as the water doth the fie{}, and the fire fmar.;.i 6, the mettall;`revealing C:hrif4 in him, and making Chrifi apa IOh'1.3 =3s peace very glorious and amiable in his apprehension, as the moft glorious Sun, the choyfee pearle, and moft renowned 4'r_ince, even thefaireft often thoufand, making the foule full ' I C or. i,, z 3 of lotigin;s after him, andFickof love towards him ; g i Ioh.q,24. 'ping and joyning him untoChrift as the branch to the vine, as a member to the head to be enlivened by Chrilt, and to 6Itom,8,l,i4. pat ticipateofall the benefits which flow from Chriff; b ruling and