Communion offachas .be Within the Covenant. 391' and guiding him as a Pilot his Ship, framing and working his heart to an univerlall, holy and humble fubmiflion to the will ofGod, as thehand ofthe learner is guided by the tea- cher towriteaccording to the wholecopy fet before him. To . him that is within the Covenant, the SpiritofGod is a Spi- rit oflifc, mortifying theold and quickning the new man. Water wa(hing, refrcfhing and making bis foule ípiritually ` Ron.a.a. fruitfull. Fire, purging and confuming his remaining lufts, and making his heart to borne with love to God and man ;, Ile of gladnefe; fillinghis foule with fpirituall alacrity and dim fulneffe, and aleale and earnelt penny, affuring him of his futurebliffeand peace in Heaven, and this communicati- on ofthe'. Spirit ofmans being within the Covenant. z. A fecond benefit comprifed under the Covenant is coin. z.Communiaa minion With the Saints ; all that are 'within the Covenant with Saints* have a mutuall fwectand gracious fellowlhip with God and among themfelves, That Which We havefeenandheard (faith S. 'John) declare We unto you , that you may have fellowfhip with rot, and that our fllowfhip may 6e With the Father, and hit Sonne yefud Chrift : He that is within the Covenant bath communionwith God the Father by adoption, as a childe with the Parent by participation, receiving of the Fathers fulneffeand bearing his Image ; by holy Walknq, having his converfation in Heaven, walking with God as Enoch and Noah did; by invocation, as a Petitioner with the King, be- ing adailyearneli futer to the throne of grace ; by Faith, li- ving and walking by faithand not by fight, and alfoby Love, God..dwelling in love, as the,Açofile fpeakes : Hee that is within the Covenant bath communion with Chrift, by par- ticipation of Chrift and his benefits, by dwelling inChrift and Chrift in him, being joyned with Chrift in a fpirituall wed - Locke, Chriftaflàming him intohis grace, and making him a member of his body, bone of hit bone and flefh of hot flefh, as S. Paul fpeakes, expreffing their neare union at d fwect communion with Chrift, who are within the covenant of God : He that is within this covenant bath ali) communion with theHoly Gholt, theSpirit.ofGod dwelling inhim, re- enera-