393 Communionof Saints. Regeivration, ,generating and renewing him, Witneffng his adoption, helping his infirmity, Pealing up the pardon of' his fin, and reiloring him to more fpirituall liberty and freedome ; and hee bath likcwife communion with all the Saints andfaithfull Servants of the Lord, being partakers of one Spirit, living members under one Head, having the fame love, being ofcnemind and done accord, theirprayers meeting mutually each for other at oneand the fame throne ofgrace, all building Ey one rule, all travelling byone light, all aeting and movingby one Spirit, all feeding uponone Word, all fighting under one .Banner, all runningonerace, and all fairing one Princeofpeace; they have fervent love one to another, ungular delight each in other, anda very fweet and gracious communion one with another; and this holy and joyfull communionwith the Saints of God abundantly argues mans being within the Covenant of God. 3. A thirdbenefit comprifed underthe Covenant is Rege- neration, the fandifying and reftoring our corrupt nature to the image ofGod, aworke ofGod inall that are within the Covenant , aparcell ofGods promife to pia his law in their inward parts, and Write it in their hearts, to make a futa bleneffc betweene them and his Law, to worke Inch holines in their hearts, as fhould in fore good proportion anfwer that holineffewhich the Lawprefcribeth, and this is requifite to mans being within the Covenant, becaufe without this hecannot knowGod, he cannot be the friend ofGod, hee cannot plcafe God, nor have any communion with God : he that is farre from holineffe is farre from intere& in Gods Promifè : Thecaptive woman under the Law had her appa- rell changed before an Ifraelitifh Souldier could affume her in- to a covenant of wedlock ; man under the Gofpell mutt put offthe old-man and put on the new, ere he can have intere& in Gods Covenant; the morefully, freely and conflantly man conformes himfelfe to Gods precepts, the Purer is his evi- dence cftitle to Gods promife. He whofe obedience to the Law ofGod is voluntary without compulfion, cordiali with- out dif[imulation, univerfaall without the allowance of any evill, humblewithout all oftentation, cheerfull, free from all repi-