Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Excellent Liberty ofa Chriftian. repining, fsncere without anyby or finifter intention,and con- flant without back. (tiding may ref: aflured of being received into Gods Covenant. 4. A fourth benefit comprifed under the Covenant by which man may difcerne his being within the Covenant, is Jpritteall liberty and freedom, a liberty ofgrace whereby the wholeman isfet free from thecommand and fervitude of all fin ; the underftanding is free from ignorance, able to know God as a Father, with a cleare and comfortable fubmilfive and affaaive knowledge; theWillis freefrom perverfeneffe, a- ble readily and fieely, fully and fincerely to intend God and his glory ; the imagination is free from vanity, able with much joy tomeditate and thinke upon God ; the affellions are free frombate feare, carnali confidence, worldly love and fiefhly joy, ableto feare God filially, totruft on Godfly, to loveGod unfainedly, and to rejoyce in God Jpiritually ; the wholemanbent and difpofed to run the way of Gods com- mandements, as the Sun rejoyceth to run hisrace, and as the Rivers flow toward's theSea ; this theP/lmift cals aninlaró m e- ent of the heart, to run the Way of Cods Commandemerts, and thishe mentions as a fruit ofthe infcription ofthe Law in his heart, Thy Law b Lord ( faith he) is in my heart, and I delight to doe thy Will. Mans affaranceofbeing within Gods Covenant is futable to his free and ready difpofition in obfer. ving Gods precept. g . A fift benefit comprifed under the Covenant miniftring affurance ofmans intereft in it, isperfeverance in the {fate of grace, daily growth in thegifts ofthe Spirit, and a fledfaft ftriving to more perfection. I Will make an everlaftinQ Co- venant With them (faith sod) and I Will put my fare in their hearts that they flail not depart from me : they (hall not depart froin the knowledge ofmy truth to errour, from the faith ofmy promifes to infidelity, from the wayes of my Commandements toby and wandringpaths ; from the love ofme and `my teflimonies, to the love of earthly vanities : God ever preterites in theRateofgrace, whom he receivesin- to theCovenant ofgrace ; he that is in covenant with God abides withGod, as the wife with thehusband, he .follows the 393 S.Perfererancc