Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

3 94 t iffeane" intereJtingman in the Covenant. the Lord fullywith Caleb, he is with God in every eflate, -in all Changes as Ittai refolved to be with David both in life and indeath, the longer he is in Gods Covenant, the more beauty he difcernes in God, the more fweetnejfehe finds in the Word ofGod, the more pleafurehetakes in the fcrviccofGod, the more comfortable communion he gaines with God, and the more plentiful) and (hile- raviJJing receiving" ofgrace, love andpeace he bath fromGod, and therefore (pines more and more like the light unto the perfec} day, growes ftronger and ftron- ger like thehoufe ofDavid, lie Waits upon the Lordand re- newes hi" ftrength, he mount" rap at the Eagle" , hee runnel andú not Weary, hee Wakes on and doth not faint he goes from flrength to ftrcngth, untill he doth appeare before the Lord in Zion. Echortation Ì The carnal) mans eflran2,ement from the Covenant, and his to get interef} mifery in being out of the Covenant, miniffers matter and nano Y Cove- occationoflabour and induftry to every man to get into the Covenant, tobe partaker ofit, and to have affarcd intereft in the benefits flowing from it, as Noah entred into theArke to be preferved from the delugeofwaters, fo fliould wee enter into the Covenant ofGod, that we may be preferved from thedelugeof thofe miferieswhich attend and wait upon the breach ofGodsprecepts. Themenofvfgypt hearing ofthe fall ofa grievous baile, fuch as would def}roy both man and Exod.9.zo. beai}, Flee that flared the Word ofthe Lord amongit them, made hisfervants and his nitre!! flee into the houfe : Men hea- ring ofthe hayle, fire, brimßone and horrible tempei}, which God will rainedowne upon the wicked, fhould haften into this Covenant, havefare intereft in Gods free and 'gracious Promife, that they may be hid from the Lords wrath. And Melnos mini- to theend wemay havepart inGods Covenant. firing inter:[} I. We muflcrake our firms, there muff be warre againft the Cove- fin, or therecan be no peace with God, cíYlofs might not 1 .Forfaking ofl come nigh the burningbufhuntill hee had put off his (hoes fin, from his feet, Becaufe the ground Where hee flood Was holy 1. ground 'Man cannot come nigh God, enter into covenant with God, unleff.: theold-man, his old lifts he put oq, be- caufe the Covenant of God is a holy Covenant, a Covenant belong- 1