,Manet snterefing man inthe Covenant. 395 belonging onely to the godly, Godlinefe having the promife of :his life and of the life to come. Jofephj avedhim/rife and chanted his raiment, and then he came to Pharaoh, and Pha- raoÌtoc.ke him tohimfelfe, and made many honourable Pro-i mif.s to him man mutt thave himfclf, remove the ignorance and erreur of his under{anding, and change his raiment, Tut off' the old-man Whichis corrupt, according to diver:1;0, and put on the new-man Which is renewed in holinefe anderne righteoufneffeaccording to gods image, and then come nigh to Cod, and partake ofall Gods gracious promifes, according to that cf theLordby the Prophet, Waft you,makeyou clan, put away the evill of your Wayes, cea/e to doe evil!, learns to doe Well, and then come ye and we Will reckon together, and thoughyour fnnes were as red as fcarlet, yet will I makepm white as (now. I will deale mercifully with you, be reconciled to you, firgive your Pinner and receive you into my Covenant ofpeace : The more the foule is emptied of fin, the more ca- pable it is ofGads Covenant, the more allured of intereft in it : Hee that holds fall his finne , cannot lay hold upon the Covenant of God ; hee that gives not a bill of divorce to his lufls , is uncapablc of weddlocke with Chi ill. 2. Wemutt forfake our felvet, we mutt deny our (elves, ceafefrom our ownewifdome, as from a blind guide, from our owne flrength, as from awithered reed, from ourowne rightcoufiieffe, as from a rotten ragg, and from cur owns ends, as from low andbafe marks. Thus muff wee deny our Pelves, or wecan be no Difciplcs of Chrift, no partakers of the mercies ofGod inhim : Such as entered into Covenant with David were in debt, in difireffe and difcontent. He that willenter intoCovenant withGod, muff fee his debt, bec fenfible ofhis finne, feele thediftreff and auguifh ofhis foule, and be very much difcontented with his corrupt and carnal! efface : God communicates his mercies tothem that are fen- fibleof their miferies ; theLord loves them that are out of lovewith themfelves ; he efteemes them that loath theirown wayes; whomdoth Chrilt inviteand call but the heavy laden, Such as are fenfible and wearyoftheir fins as of a heavy fur then; z.Forfaking of our felves.