Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

396 Ier.31 19,10, Lr. ?.Rclinquith., ment of the world. 4.RejeEfion o intimate com- munion vvith carnali perfons Meares interef ing man in the Covenant. then; to whomis Chrift fent with tydings of comfort, but to the broken hearted. When Ephraim repented, fmote up- on his thigh, and was confounded ; then the Lord remem- bered him, then he was deare and pleafant to him, then hee faid, I will Purely havemercy upon him, then he propófed and fet before him the Covenant of Salvation inChrift, promifing him that a woman Jhould compaffe a man ; contrite and bro- ken hearted (inners are the proper fabjeft of Gods fweeteff mercies. 3. Wemuff relinguißh the world. Abner fell out with the houfe of Saul, and then bee entred into Covenant with David. Man muff firft fall out with the world, take off his heart from the earth before hecan enter into covenant with God; becaufe the love of the world (as S. fames fpeakes) ie enmity with God, andhe that is a friend ofthe world is an á nemy toGod ; the firft husband muff be dead before the wo- man can joyne her felfe in wedloeke with afecond man; man mu(t be crucified to the world, and the world unto him, be- fore hecan be married unto Chrift, enter into Covenant with Chrift; whenZacheus receivedChrift intohishoufe, he gave thebaffe ofhis goods to the poore, and reffored foure-fold to them fromwhom he had wrongfully taken : The world is much flighted where Chrift is truely received : The foule is never filled withChrift, unleffe it beemptied of theearth,Da- gen fals where theArke is erefted, theexaltation of Chrift is theprof rationofthe world. Manscommunion withChrift is futable tohis feparation from the world. He that will en- ter this Covenant and affociate himfelfe with Chrift, muff with Matthew leave the receipt ofcuftone ; hee muff with Salomon lookeupon rhe'world, as upon a thing ofnought; he muff according to the Apoftles rule, life the world a if, hee did not of it. HemuffTarget hù owne people, and forfake hie Fathers houfe, that will have confortfhipwithChrift. 4. We muff renounceallintimate communion with corrupt and carnali people, come out from among them (faith the Lord ) there is the feparation, and Iwill be your Father, andye Jhall be untome for panes and daughters, there is Gods receiving them into covenant and communion with him, the Prodi- gall