,Meaner intere.l'áing manin tAe Covenant. X9 7 gall ted and repented of his fellowfhip with Harlots and riotous perfons, and then his Father lovingly received and imbrace him. God is very propitious to fuch as repent oftheir tinfoil fellowlhip with his enemies : God miniffers many comfortable expreffionSof his love to them, who with- 'draw themfelves from filch as doenot love him : when Mo- fes left `Pharaohs Court, the Lord appeared to him in the wilderneffe, laying, I am the god of thy Fathers, the Godof Abraham, the God of Ifaac and the god of Jacob; the de= clination of fellow fhip with profane perfons, is ufually at- tended with a fweet enjoyment of Gods prcfence, and the miniffration cf many fpirituall comforts ; were wemore tho- roughly alienated from vainemen, wee fhould be more fully and fweetlyacquainted with God, could wegive abill ofdi- vorce toprofane perlons, we lhould haveableffed and honou- rable wedlocke withChrift Jclos. 5. Wemuff with all diligence attend the Miniftrry of the word. Enclineyour eare,Come unto me (faith the Lord)He.ge and your f3ule fall live, and 3 will make an ever/ailing Cove- nant withyou. God by the labours of his cMinifiers brings men into covenant with himfelfe, by their labours hee opens thebeauties andperfecctions ofChrift,hemakes them fee their neceffity of( trill, their mifery without Chriff, and their happinefE in the enjoyment of Chrift, by their labours hee woes and periwado's them to come to thrift, fils their hearts with earneftlongings after thrift, with fervent and unfai- ned love to Chrift ; and fo e oufe:h them unto him, as A- braham ty his Servant brought Rebecca to his fon Ifaac : Thus doth God by his Miniffers, bring men to his Sonne Chrift Jefus : Did wee not íhamefully undervalue and prcfanely effrange our felies from the labours of Gods Iviinifters, wee could not he loch ftrangers to Gods Cove- nant, nor fo empty of thofe bleffings which thrift mi- nìffers to true beleevers. Attend therefore Gods Word, if ever you meane to enjoy the benefit cf Gods Cove- nant. 6. We muff readily and fully receive Chrifl. Chrift is the foundation ofthe Covenant, the promife is in thrift, 7ofephs G g Brethe- f.Attendance ou the Word, &Fully recei- ving ofCirriA