Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

<;. r.Manner of entertaining Chrif}. t.Spiritually. e Exod. n 5. r1,16. Chrifi welcomed Ffi%ritualy of a ranfòmer gives the comfort of fpiritnall freedome fweet, and bleffed, and full of r'efrefhing is the joy arifing from Chrift, his comming in the Gofpell : This makes the a wildernejfelike Eden, and the defart like the garden of the 1 Lord. 11-us fils the defolate, fad, and forrowfill foule of man, full of joy and gladneffe, thanksgiving, and the voiceof melody ; and to this joyful] entertainment of Chrilfs ming in his fpirituall kingdome , Let us all provoke our hearts, and frame, and difpofe our foules, as the eye isdif- pòfed to a joyful! entertainment of the light, the eare to a joyfill entertainment ofmuficke, and the bride toa joyfull entertainment of thebridegroome. And that we may give Chrift comming in theGofpell, a ChriVtian and wel-pleafing entertainment, there are three things in thegenerali obfervable. r .Moder, the manner how we mull entertaine him. 2.21ledlum, the meaneswhich we muff ufe to entertaine him. and 3.11dotieum, the inducements periivading thus toentertaine Chrift. i. The manner how Chrift muff be entertained and re-;' ceived ; and thus Chrift mull bee entertained , recei- ved. T. Spiritually. The entertainment of the King is futable to the condition, quality, andnature of the King; earthly entertainment is given to earthly Kings : Chrift is a fpi- rituall and heavenly King, his kingdome isnot ofthis world, and therefore he muff not be carnally but fpiritually enter- tained; the e Tabernacle into which the Arke was received had in it the two Tables of the Law ,, it was overlaid within with pure gold, and the Arke had a crowne of gold about it : Hee that will entertaine Chrift moil have the Law of God written in his heart, his foule within, and his life without mutt be overlaid with the gifts and graces of the Spirit, more pure and precious then the gold which perifheth ; holineffe and righteoufneffe mull crowne the foules of fuch perfons as will entertaine Chrift Jefiis ; limy, flnttifh, and filthy houles are fitter to enter. mine fwine then Princes ;, corrupt , and carnal], unfanéti fled, and ungracious foules are fitter to entertaine Satan,