400 Carnal; ()Wan Without Hope. before Chrift was preached to them, having no prouzife of life, no Mediator between God and them, had no hope of falvation. Carnali men under the Gofpell, being no children of God by regeneration, no members, nopartakers ofChrift by faith,having no intereft inGods covenant oflife and peace, no title to Gods promife ofgrace by Chrilt, they have no hope. Whence you fee, That, `)&El. Corrupt and carnaff man path no true andaffured hope offat- vation. There is no hope of that mans falvation that conti- nues corrupt and carnali ; there is no falvation in that elate: In Paul {hipping towards Rome, when neither Sunne nor At s t7, to. Starres for many dayesappeared, and no finali tempe.a lay on them, all hope that they fhould bePaved was then taken away. When neither Sun nor Star, neither Chrift nor any laving grace appeare in the foule ofman ; and when the confcience of carnali man works like a tempeft within him, thenhow= ever he flattered himfelfe in the honre of his fpirituall flung. ber, and pronaifed falvation tohimflfe ; yet now all hope of' being faved is taken away ; now he fees he is in the Rate of' As R.11,2; damnation ; now he fees, as Peter told Simon (Mapss, that Kai. r to. a 5 S he is in the gall of 6itterneffe, and in the bond of iniquity, and 112.30.1. that he hath no part nor lot in Chriff ; but is, as the Píilrnift faith, farre from fulvatio,n, farre from the knowledge, faith, hope and fence of falvation ; they looke not to the holy One of Ifrael ; they lookc not unto God as to their King to com- mand them, as to their Counfellor to guide them , as to their Phyfician to heale them , as their roeke to fup- port them ; their hope is not in him, their expefta- tion is not from him ç their eftate who live under the power of' corruption, is no eftatc of Chriflian hope, but of defpera- tion,having no ground to hope or look for falvationby Chrift: For, ßror ds hereof. I. The carnali man is uncapable of' Chriflian hope. Hope Vt capable- nefn. is a heavenly gueft, and dwels not in an uncleane and unre- generate heart; the carnali foule is an empty houf , wherein Rom,7.18, dnelleth no,good thing, no favi ng gift and grace of God : He that is not of God cannot hope in Clod ; he that is not in Chrift, cannot expert' àrid-wait for falvation byChrifl ; the carnali !'