Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Caufe andPillars ofHepe. 40! carnali man is dead in thane; the corporallydead'have no more Poi . anyhumanehope ,their breath , goethwer of their noßrilf, and as 4 their thoughts, fo their hopes perifh, the fpiritually dead have no fpirituall hopes, where there is no lifeof grace, there is nohope in Chrift ; the carnali man is blinde, and cannot dif- cerne Chrift, he is ignorant of Chrift, he knowes not the thingsbelonging tohis peace, and how canhe hope inChrift whom he knowes not ; the carnali man isproud, he trußs in himfelfe, in his owne abilities, in his owne worth, in his' owne duties, and therefore cannot hope in Chrift ; Noman hath or can have a lively hope in C frill but he that is begotten again by the refurreflion ofChriff. z Peal. ;. 3. The carnali man wants the in.ffrumentall caufe, and root a,Wanc of in. ofhope : Faith is the mother, andhope the daughter; Faith frumencall is the root, and hope the branch ; Faith is the cauk,andhope yule, theth d ; Faith apprehends thepromife, and hopeexperts and waits for the thing promifed ; therefore the Apoftle ter- meth Faith the ground of hope : Now the carnall man be- Heb.s i. z. ieeves not, he builds upon the fand, and not upon therocke ; he is wedded to the world,and not toChrift;heconfines him- felfewithin himfelfe, and commcth not out of himfelfe to Chrift ;`hebringeth forth his fruit unto himfelfe,and not unto Chrift .; he rfteth in thecreature, in himfelfe, in forcegift, HoCzo.i. or dutyofhis owne ,; he takes not uphis full andeverlafting ! gib 4 3 ref' in Chrift, and therefore beleevcs not ; and as where is noroot, thereis nobranch, fo where there is nofair'h,there is nohope. Alienation 3. The carnall man is alienated from the props, pillars, and f pillars fupporters,of Chriftian hope ; that is to fay, the promfe of God, ; cfHope. the grace of God in (brill, and themerit of Chrif : The£' three fupport, and beare up the hoping and waiting foule, as the threepillars bore up the hangings in the Tabernacle : Thefe three are like three Cities of Refuge, appointedby cfofes, ! to which the purfued malefaetor betooke himfelfe ; to thefe doth the guilty beleeving foule, purfued with the fence ofi Gods difpleafure, the nodeof his finne, andcryof his con- fcience, betake himfelfe, hoping and expecting confolation 1 from them. Now to all thefe the carnall man is a ft;anger, G b they