Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

40z way to Salvation.. they. belong not to him, they arechildrensbread; dogs may not tafl:e them, they are loves wings, Owles and Ravens Pr./0. have no hiding place wader them ;' He that hateth to k refer- :Cor. &.t. coned, bath nothjng todoe withGods covenant ; carnal men Heb s 4. receive the grace of God in vain , they embrace not the mercy of God in Chrift tenired to them in the Golpell, they rejetit, they are no more changed, nor bettered by it, then the rocke by the raise, or theblindeby theSunne, not being mingled with faith, it doth not profit them ; the merit ofChrift loth not advantage them, his righteoufueffe doth not jallifie them, his death doth not mortiie their lulls, his refurrecl:ion doth not quicken thzir foules, his interceflïan doth not reconcile them unto God, his ratìfocne reflorelno fpirituall freedom: to them, and therefore theyhave no hope of falvation. 4.Efirangemët 4. The carnali man is a ffranger to the way to falvation. from the way There is a wayoffaith in ChrifE, chrifk is the way,the truth, to falvation. and the life, him the carnal' man knowes not, he never flu- died, never learned Chrift, ar the truth in inhim; he knowes not Chrifl living in his foule, as he knows his foule living in his body ; he knowes not Chrillr entighteninghim, as the eye knowes the Sun, whole light is fweet unto the eye ; he knowes not Chrtfl ruling and raigning within him, as the fouldiers knew the Centurion commanding them, and they yeelding ready fubjeftion to him ; he knowes not Chrift conquering and fu'uduing Satan and hisowne lufts, as the If - raelitet knew fofbuah. vanquifhing and treading upon the, necksof the Kings of Canaan ; he knowes not Chrifl fanai-' fying, and cleanfing his foule, as Naaman knewYore/44 wa- íhing his leproíie fromhim; he knowes not Chrift miniffring the fulneffe of God unto him, as the people ofEgypt knew 7ofeph miniflring to them, and fupplying their wants. Car- nail man is very ignorant of Chrift, far from fweetacquain- tance with him, and comfortableexperience of' his faule- faviiaÿ minillrations : There is a wayof Jjiiritua/lpoverty,and Míea.6, felf-dçnyall, wherein a man walks humbly with his God, ceafing fromhimfaf from his owns witedome, will, rea- fon, purpofe, and af£:dion, abafedbelow the dull, intheap- prehea1í