Void of Hope. 'Vanity of prophanecillant Hope. 403 prehen(ion ofhis owneuncleannefie, emptine%,andunwor- thtnffe, renouncing himfelfe, his owne gifts, abilities, and performances, going eleane out of himfelfe unto Chritt ; la- bouring to be found in Cltrig, and not in himfelfa, making 3 ChriR all in all unto him, feeking his whole falvation from (briff, and proRrsting himfelfe with all that is his under) Chrift ; this is a way in which the carnall man treads not, 1 he is ftill full of himfelfe, he dreames of a felf-fufciency at home and looks not beyond himfelfe ; heRayes in his legali righreoufne fe, and is fbamefully guiltyof felf=love, and felt -I feeking : there is a way of new obedience, and trucholineffe, Inwhich the carnall man walks not ; he wanders like an et.-k rig traveller from this path, and Rumbles like the blinde ; Ifaí97 theirfeet (faith the Prophet) run to evill, and they make haft; to flied innocent blond ; their thoughts are thoughts of iniqutty,1, walling and deflruaien are in their paths, the way of peace !bey know not, and there no indgement in their goings, they hale made them crookedpaths, tvhofoever goeth therein 'ball not know peace. He that runs not the race, hath no hope toobtaine the prize ; he that fights trot the battell, bath no hopeto win the crowne he that fowes not his field, hath no h'pe to reape it, he that runs not the race of Gods Commandements, he that fights not Gods battels, hath nohope to win the prize, which is eternal! life, nor yet to were the crowne ofglory : He that fonts to the Spirit Both ofthe Spirit reape life tverlatinn; Cal.6. S. but he that lofts to the fleshdothof the fle'b reapdeilrutfion. CHAP. XIX. Shelving the vanityofpropbane Manshope ofalvation. He carnall mans eRrangement from the hope of falva- I ton, difcovers and layes open the vanityand deceitful- neffe of prophane mens hopes of having life and glory by Chrift : Though they haveno trucandCaving faith inChat, ! G g 4 though