404 H.íí.6.6. t.Suporftitious Hopes. Steperßitiosss Hopes, though theyhave no experience of the cfpoufall oftheirfouls to Chrift, though they have no fervent and unfained löve to Chrift,, no evidenceofChrifts living in them,no knowledge ofChrifts holy andgracious working upon them, no fence ofChrifrs love to them ; yet they hope Chrift will fave them. Haman hearing that King Ahafr ersre had a purpofe to honour (forre man, concluded prefntly, that himfelfe muff be the man whom the King delighted to honour, though the iffue croft his expeetation. Carnali man hearing of Gods mercy, Chrifts merits, and the Lords purpofe to exalt and honour man, prefently feeds and fils himfelfe with hopes that he (hall be the man, prefumes that God will honour him,though in theend he meets withHansoms portion, a gallowes in hell din Read ofacrowne in Heaven. As the foolifh man in the Parable built his houfe upon the fand fo doe all the carnal.' men in the world, build their hopes of falvation upon force fandy and rotten foundation, which at length finks and fuffrs them to fall Ihamefuily, fearefully, finally, as thehoufe did which was built upon the fand.Now if you aske what thofe falfe and deceitful' props and pillars are, upon whichcarnali menufually build their hopes : I anfwer, r. Some build their hopes upon fisperffitious odfervations, they receive for Doc4rines the commandements of men, the traditions oftheir fuperiours and predeceffors..In the obfer- vation ofthefc they arc very full and frequent, very precife and punftuall, and hereupon they promtfe themfelves falva. tion : Thus Tarrlbefore his converfion, after thefiriileffleft of their Religion liveda Plsarifee , and Was very .zedosee, and thought himfelfe alive when he was dead, perfwaded him- felfe he was in the faateofgrace, when he was in the frate of damnation ; a childe ofGod, whenhe was one of Satans brood ; a friend ofGod, when he was an adverfary of the Lord ; a pillar, when he was a defrroyer of the Church. Theobfervers of humane Do:}rines arevery full of miferable blindneflè, poffft withan overwcaning opinionof the good- nefle of their condition, fhamefully miltaking their eftate, perfwading'themfelves that that doth much endearc them, and highly commend them unto God, which makes them