Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Formall Hopei. 405 them a very abomination before the Lord.,s. s. Some build their hopes upon a forma ro Ìf fon of 2 HoForm all Chrt, and CritianReligion. CMicah had great hopes that Idp.e;s; God would bleffe him, becaufe he had gotten a Levite tohis Pricft, though he continued an idolater : Many menpromife themfdves great peace and glory, becaufe they have the Gef- pell, heare the Word, receive the Sacrament, are called after the naine of Chrift, though they live in all prophanenetfe : The fooli(h Virgins were very fecure, and prc,mifed much Mat.25.. unto themfelvcs from their lamps, though they were empty lamps : Many a vaine and fooli(h man is fecure andconfident of his falvationby reafon of his profeffion, though an empty one though he bean empty vine, bringing forth all his fruit Her. I'll. tohimfelfe, doing all for himfelfe, andnothing for God and 6, Chrift, profeffing, as theApoftic faith, that they know God, being the mean while difobedient and reprobate to every good'worke. This is the common foundation on which all 1°h' 4. carnali Prateftantsbuild their hopes ; like the Pharifes boa- fling that they were the children of A6raham, though they did the works of the Devill, being like the Lacufs in the Bev.s7g. Revelation, which had outwardly the face of' a man, and the haire of a woman, but within the teeth of a Lyon, and be- binde, the tayle of a Scorpion : Thus thefe men haveout- wardly the name of Chriftians, a profeflfonof Chrift, but as favage and indomitable as the Lyon, as full of all finne,as the Scorpionofvenome ; and what a fond thing is it fora man tobuild his hopes upon an empty profeffion ? Will a husband delight himfelfe in his wife, becaufe fhe profeffeth him to beher husband, living the while inadultery with ftrangers ? Will the King honour a man for proffling him to be his King, not ceafng toplot treafon, and aft rebellion againft . him , Is there any hope that Chrift will take pleafureina . man, or honour him, becaufe he cals him Husband,Lord and King ? in the meane fpace committing fornication with thc world, plotting fpirituall treafon, and afting open rebellion againft him ? Surely fuch men are like 11re6uckadnezzars Data. Image, and it will be with them as with Ne6uchadnezzart !Image at lait ; his Imagehad a headof gold, but feetachy, and