406 tfercinary Hopes. ComparativeRopes. and the flone hewne out of the mountaines without hands brake it in peeces : Such men have a golden profeflion, but an earthly and uncleane converfation, and Chrift at Jail will dash them inpieces,as ml iron rod a Potters vefliell. As Chrift Mataa 19. curled the Fig-tree which had leaves and no fruit : fo will he corre them that have the leaves of Chriffian profeflion, but want the fruit of a good converfation; a barren pro- feflion doth but aggravate the condemnation of a Chri- flian. ; mercinary 3. Somebuild their hopes upon their eyeno,nary duties, hoses. and works of cr,arity;becaufc they are bountifull to the poore, they hope they (hall be faved, they truff in theirgood works, and hope to purchafe heaven by their beneficence, excluding Chrifts merits : As the builders of old by railing a Tower Gen,r 1.4. thought topreferve themfelves from an after deluge,and fcale the wals of Heaven ; but as their hopes periled, God con- founding their worke, f0 will the hopes of thefe mercinary and proud workers, their belt works without Chrift will bring confufion in dead offalvation upon them ; The fword i Sam t7. in which Goliah trotted, cut effhis head ; whatfoever a man doth ref upon befides Christ , he is confounded by that wherein he trufleth. It may fee= firange, and yet is.very true, that many mens good worksprove goreprejadiciall to them then their evill works ; their bad worksprove an ()Lea- fion of humiliation to them, and drive them wholly out of themfelves unto Chrif ; their good works puffe them up, and make them flay in themfelves,and never come to Cfjrift; 1 aftlfach men as of charity to buildupon, foundation the Apoftlewill tell them, thata i Cor,13. I man maygive all hie goods to thepoore,and yet be nothing, 4cömparalive 4 Some build their hopes upon their not being fo bad as hopes, the worfi, they compare 0:crutelves with fuch as are worfe then themfelves, and thereupon conclude they are in a good effate , this is, as if a man having many ulcers, mould yet perfwade himfelfe he is very beautifull; becaufe he is not as le- prous as Gehexi was : As if a man guilty of many finall felo- nies, faouldperfwade.himfelfethe Judgewill favehim, be Caufe he is not fonotorious a malefaEtor as Barabbau was, or as