P ionprrsn ,Hapet, as if a man indebted an hundred pounds more then he is worth, shouldperfwade himf:lfe he is rich, becaufe he is not indebted fo many thoufand pounds as fomeotters arc : This was the deceit and Palle flattery of the Pharifee, I thane Cod (Nth he) /am not as other menare, extortioners, unj.tit adul- terers, or as this Publicane. Men dye not all of one tick- neffe, Lame have more peftilentiall d feafes then others, yet all dye, the wages of all lime is death : I t is not he who is not fo bad as others, but he that is a neWCreature in Chrift, that bath affured hope of life and peace, to themthat are in Chrift there is no condemnation who walk not after the flefh but after the Spirit. 5. Some build their hopes upon the mercies ofgod andme- rit of (brill, prefuming they may be fecurely fìnfull, becaufe God is mercifull, and that they may frill run on upon Gods fcoare,becaufe Chrift bathgiven himfelfe a ranfome; and thus rtT they turne the grace of God into wantonn , and harden themfelves by thole mercies which fhould leade them to re- pentance, turning their phyfickeinto poyfon, and themeans of their freedórne into chaines and fetters to tye them the falter in their thraldome ; and what is this, but as if a man fhould tumble himSelfe in the mire and durt, becaufe there is water enough in a Well towalla him, yet a fealed deep Well whereof he bath no bracket to draw : Or as if a man fhoúld give himflfemany mortali wounds, becaufe there is a Sur- geon that can cure him, of whole help he bath yet no pro- mife ; Gods mercies andChriûs merits minifterpardon and peace to filch alone asturne from iniquity, andwalke in the wayes of peace : All mercies prove curies which lead not the foule to Godand Jefus Christ ; The meditation of Gods mercy can never truly comfort thee unleffe it humble thee. Benbadads fervantshearing that the Kings ofIfraelweremer- cifull Kings, camenot before:A'habwith their bowesbent, and (words drawne, but with roapes about their necks, and fackcloth about their loynes. He that comes to God in the confidence ofhis mercies, rauft lay afide the weapons of his Panne, andcome with teares inhis eyes, and godly forrow in his heart, becaufe there is mercy With the Lordthat he may be feared: 407 Luk 12.- Rom. 6. zl. ç. Prefuaptu- oushopes,