Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

4"$ ¡ HumiliationHopei. Rom.a.4. feared : not to encourage man to continue wicked ; not knowing(as S.Paulfaith)that the goodneffe ofGod ought to leade thee to repentance, but after thy hardnefTe and impeni- tent heart, trealureft up againft thy felfe, wrath againft the day of wrath, and revelation ofthe righteous judgement of SHumiliation God. Dope:. 6. Some build theirhopes upon their Humiliations and Re- pentance, they have beene to afflictionofconfcience,they have beene humbled for their finnes, and have beenemany dayes in great anguifhoffpirit, and in this they ref}, here they flay tCa. 58.z, andhope by this tobe faved ; thus the people in the Prophet, We (fayye) havefared, and We have afilted our fettle, and for this they thoughttobe -heard and accepted of the Lord; but there is a legali, as well as an Evangelicall repentance, a forrow arifing from feare andnot from love, from theappre- henfion of Hell and not ofHeaven, from the fenceof wrath, and not from the working oflove, from the feeling of' ter yours andnot from the hatredoffinne, a forrow of flues and :Cora, not offonnes, a forrow which workethunto death, and not Gen aforrow which workethRepentance to Salvation : a manmay withCainecry out of the greatneffe of his iniquity, and his forrow liinke himevenas low as Hell .; 'hee may with Ahab put on tick-clothand walk humbly manydayes ; he may with Pharaoh inhis anguifh, fend for the bfinifterofthe Lord, and acknowledge his finne, and intreat the prayer of Gods fer- vants, on this he may build his hopes and deceive himfelfe; that repentance which doth not fupple and foften and change the heart is little worth ; the Lord(mote the Rode and wa- ters gufhedout, yet it continued a Rocke ; God finites the heart ofmany.a manwithperplexing and terrifying firoakes, tothe drawingofmany teares, and yet it continueth a hard and flony heart ; that forrowwhich workes not the morti- fication offinne, gives no affuranceof the remiflion of finne. Is itfeech a fig (faith the Lord) Mat 1 have chofen, a day for a man to affil htt foule, is it to how down . hit head.ata bull-rufh, and to #readPack-cloth and of es sender him ; Wilt thou call this aFe, andan acceptable day to the Lord ; is not this the Fafi that I have chofen, to loofa the hand, of icked nd f e ;2