Reformation Hoses. 409 nefre ? &c. that forrow which doth not Iead a man out of himfelfe to Chrift, which diflölves not the chaines ofhis fin, and inables him to come freely and fullyhome toChrift, and fil himwith the f.ncecfC.hrifts comforts, which emptieth Mu. II.z8. not manofhis finne and ofhimfelfe,and puts himupon Christ forall fullnefiè, is a forrow minittring no other then falle and hopes offtivation . 7. Somebuild their hopes upon their Reformations, they 7Reformation are cfcaped from many pollutions, they have forfaken many hopes. of their evill wayes, and they are not the fame they were in timepaft,and therefore hope to be faved, and with this they pleaseand deceive themfelves. Sazr1 deftroyed the refute of i Sarno . the fluffs, but fpared the lowingOxen and thebleating Sheep, andyet thought he had done an acceptable worke, but be was deceived, God rent the Kingdome from him ; the Reforma- tion which is not univerfall is hypocritical) ; the Traveller that forfakes not every falfe path, loofah his labour, all his turnings and returnings are in vaine ; hee that returnes not fromevery finne, never returnes toCod ; the woman which refrves oneftranger in her bofome, her heart never returnes to her husband ; there is no returning to Chrift without the depofition ofevery finne, Chrift hath no being where any one finne hath allowance and dominion ; befides hethat flayes in his Reformation, and lookes not beyond itunto Christ for falvation, makes an id-IIof it, and deludes himfelfe in ho-, ping for Salvation by it; mans Reformation deftroyes him, ifit makes not Christ morefweet and precious to him. 8. Some build their hopes upon their ufe offacred and re- 1..u.13. D,ry hopes. liiiotu duties : becaufe they heare and pray and fííít and con- ferre Lu'i3 ofholy things ; in this theyrea and by this they hope tobe faved, Lord (fay they) buff not thóu tau ht inourgreets?. and have not lle tare and drunk,e in tby pretence ? Have not Gen.4Y. webeene hearers of thy word, frequenters of thy houfe, re- ceivers ofthy Sacraments, and (hall not webe faved ? though z Ti,11.1.7. theybe like `Pharaohs leavekine, eating the fat and yet (till )cane, like them ofwhom the Apoftle fpeakes, who were Ezek.33.3 t. alwayes learning, yet-never came to the knowledge of the truth,like &ekiels hearcrs,whofehearts went after theircove- touf-